Hi my loves,

I mentioned a little while back that I filmed a fabulous brand new workshop for Faith Mariah’s event: Get Your Funnel Done week (June 21-June 28) all about simple copy tips for writing emails!

I’m THRILLED to tell you it’s releasing in just over 24 hours!

Before I tell you exactly WHY you need a funnel, let’s have a sneak peek at some of the other workshops:

Workshop Highlights:

  • The 20 Minute Funnel: Going from Idea to Implemented with Menekse Stewart
    • Learn how to take your funnel from a mere idea to implementation in just 20 minutes.
  • Non-Boring Emails: Simple Copy Tips with Leonie Dawson – releasing June 24th
    • Discover how to craft engaging and attention-grabbing emails that captivate your audience.
  • Value Upgrade/Surprise & Delight with Sage Grayson
    • Learn strategies for adding unexpected value to your offerings, creating memorable customer experiences.
  • Easy Yes Offers That Sell in a Funnel with Dr. Destini Copp
    • Master the art of presenting compelling offers that your audience can’t resist.
  • Non-Sleazy Sales Emails with Faith Lee
    • Say goodbye to pushy sales tactics and learn how to create genuine, respectful sales emails.
  • Live Q&A Session with Faith Mariah, Cooper Gillespie, Katie Joy, and Dr. Christiane Schroeter
    • Get all of your funnel and marketing questions answered by our panel of experts!

Why You Need a High-Converting Funnel

Have you ever wondered why some businesses thrive online while others struggle? The secret often lies in having a high-converting funnel!

A high-converting funnel is one of the major foundations of a successful online marketing. It’s not just about attracting visitors but turning them into loyal customers. Here’s why you need one:

  • ✨ Boost Conversion Rates: A well-optimized funnel ensures that you nurture leads effectively, increasing the chances of converting them into paying customers.
  • ✨ Streamline Marketing Efforts: Each stage of the funnel requires different strategies, helping you focus your marketing efforts where they matter most.
  • ✨ Save Time and Resources: By targeting your efforts and automating processes, you make better use of your marketing budget and time.
  • ✨ Enhance Customer Experience: A seamless funnel provides a great experience for your customers, from the first touchpoint to post-purchase follow-ups.

Funnels (when done well!) can totally transform your marketing results AND your marketing skills. They can help you target the right audience and drive consistent sales (always a bonus).


If you’re feeling fired up and ready master the funnel process and transform your business, these might be the workshops for you!

Get Your Funnel Done Week” is from June 21st – 28th (with my workshop releasing on the 24th at 6pm EST), hosted by the brilliant mindset coach and business strategist, Faith Mariah.

This is your chance to learn everything and MORE about funnels! Let’s start creating a high-converting funnels that drive sales and grows your business.

Grab a free ticket here or upgrade to a VIP ticket here!

Love always,