Hola beautiful hearts!
Thank you so, so, so, so much for all the orders for the 2010: Creating my Goddess Year workbook & planner. I’m just completely blown away by the orders that have rocked my inbox in the very, very best way. I just get all giddy inside thinking about all these goddesses around the globe dreaming up some magical years for themselves… it makes my heart well up with hope & love & joy.
I just want to say:
Or even… I just reminded this t-shirt I designed five years ago or so:

hee hee hee!
Anyway… so thank you beautifuls… I hope the Workbook has been such an amazing experience for you already.
I’ve been having so much fun on Facebook hearing about all the goddesses printing theirs off, finding folders for it, filling it out… and I love some goddesses have been taking it to Officeworks to get it all printed off & bound. And I thought… things are *so* much funner when done together. So I’m going to share the journey of me filling out my own workbook out for my new year… and all the treasures that come up during it.
Let the journey begin!
It totally amuses me that I’m using my own Workbook here… but that’s the whole idea of it really! When I thought abou
I printed it off this morning…

First I decided I wanted to use a ring binder folder to make it more like a living document – one that I can keep adding too, like a scrap-journal.
I found this old red one in my cupboard and thought it would work perfectly!

But then… apparently not so much. I got distracted instead & went for a white one instead.
Mmmmm… purity and whiteness… ready for newness…

It was a little dusty from the cupboard though… so it needed a bit of a clean up.

And this cracked me up… when I went to the cupboard to get our vinegar spray to cleanse the folder… I had to be careful to choose the right bottle.
The left one is our Doggy Calm concoction that Chris made up – water and lavendar oil diluted together that we spray on the puppies to chill them out. And our cleanser, which is white vinegar and water.
Mmmm… homemade concoctions!

And the sparkly clean folder, with the cover inserted 🙂

How it looked inside… I think I’ll keep adding piccies & more pieces of paper to it too 🙂
And then at this point… I got stuck.
I closed the folder, and felt like I wanted to ignore it. Like it was going to take too much energy. Like it was something I just didn’t want to dive into at all.
And I promptly went and sequestered myself away in bed for a couple of hours.
Me procrastinating about it totally took me by surprise, really. I was *so* looking forward to it, and was so excited about it! But yet… here I was – doing all I could to ignore it.
Late in the afternoon, as the sun began to set, I did the thing that always takes me out of that stuck, procrastinating place… I went outside.
And set myself up with a cup of lemonade, some big juicy dates, my folder, my puppy & a sun lounge.

My sweetie had just planted a whole heap of succulents in pots, and Angel was being her usual holy-adorable self.

And as I sat and stared at my folder… I realised something. I was resisting doing the Workbook because it meant reflecting on and celebrating and letting go of 2009.
And if there’s one thing I’m not that comfortable with – it’s looking back. I’m totally comfortable with moving forward, transition, change & transformation.

But look back? Muse on the past? Uck no!
I’m so much more used to dreaming up the future.
And so the Workbook showed me that medicine…
the medicine of completing, celebrating and recognising 2009.
So I started writing…
All the things I am grateful for.
My love. The most amazing partner I could want. Our love relationship.
Both of us knowing one day in May this year that new soul wanted to come into this world… and trusting and allowing it to come through.
Becoming pregnant.
Him saying yes to having another doggy – and getting Angel.

All the things I learned in the last year.
Trusting my intuition even more.
Learning how to be still.
Learning how hard burn out is.
Learning how to heal when I found a lump on my breast.
Learning how to grow from being a maiden to mother.
Learning how to let go of old relationships.
Learning how to build myself a mama’s cave.
All the things I’m proud of myself for.
Proud of healing myself.
Proud of believing in myself and following my big dreams.
Proud of creating so many things this year.
Proud of getting through all day morning sickness.
Proud of growing my sacred business to be profitable and abundant and a good place for other goddesses.
Proud of choosing my path, and my integrity, and my spirit, again and again.

And as I wrote, I got lighter and lighter.
I felt clearer and clearer.

When I ended with the Completion Circle page, I felt like I finally *got* 2009… what it was here for… why it was gifted to me.
And, sitting here at the precipice of the end of 2009, I see why mining it for clarity and treasures is a good thing.
Our lives are gardens.
And at the turn of the year, we can look around our garden.
See which weeds need pulling out.
See what beauty still blooms there.

See which older plants have given us a good harvest, and give thanks to Great Spirit for them.
See what needs tending to, and nurturing.

But I see what we are really doing…
is clearing space.
Tilling the soil.
Planting seeds.

For something new, and magical to grow and bloom.
At the end of 2009… I want to give thanks for all that has been gifted to me over the last year, and over my life.
And I tend the soil of my soul’s garden… knowing that my garden is going to bear fruits even more mystical, magical and life-changing in the next year.
Join me on the journey…
I would so, so, so love to hear about your journey of doing the 2010: Creating my Goddess Year workbook & planner… and see your pics too 🙂
You can add in the comments, or share about it on your blog & let us know your blog addy.
I’m envisioning a gathering of goddesses dreaming up a beautiful new year together…
And you are so welcome to use this button if you like!

And as an extra goodie… every goddess who shares about their Workbook journey in the comments or their own blog will go into the draw to win a laminated goddess art print from moi 🙂 I’ll draw it in early Jan & send out a goodie bag to add to a goddess’ amazing 2010. Hooooooorah! 😀
Thank you for sharing this journey with me darlin!
Wherever you are at… I want you to know…
that you are magical… that you are loved… that everything is possible.
Because it’s true.
I adore you BIG!