Hola gorgeous Goddesses!!!
There’s *four* of my gorgeous goddess e-courses starting on July 31… so I’ll be showcasing them in a Goddess Menu of Delights, so that you’ll know if any of them are singing your name. (And of course there’ll be the normal amazeballs Goddess blog posts too!)
First up is my favourite rainbow baby… my very first e-course… one that’s been taken by over 1000 goddesses…
Introduction to the Creative Goddess eCourse from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.
The Creative Goddess eCourse starts July 31!!!
The Creative Goddess e-course is a six week journey that teaches you how to create in a way you’ve never experienced before. Creating because it makes your spirit fly. Creating because it shows the colours of your soul. Creating in a way that frees you, uplifts you and reminds you what an amazing Goddess you are.
Art isn’t just a place of joy and paint-on-the fingers-glee (though that too is utterly delicious).

Creativity can be a place for you of healing, transformation, awareness and miracles.
Most importantly, it’s a pathway to discovering the Goddess in You – your wisdom, your story and your beauty.
The Creative Goddess eCourse is a journey that is powerful, sacred, connected, inspired, healing, transformative and shining. You’ll finish the e-course with a whole new rush of inspiration & energy in your life & art. You’ll discover the wise, creative, joyful Goddess in you, and remember the spirited, rainbow-paint-on-hands artist you are.
It’s totally wonderful if you don’t feel like you are The Bestest Artist Who Has Ever Lived.
(Who needs to draw stick figures anyway?)
It’s utterly perfect if you are still working out your style, your voice, how your camera and paints work and what you want to share in this world.
(Right where you are is just so beautiful.)
What’s really important is this: If you were born, you are an artist. If you are a woman, you are a Goddess.
And if you are both of those things, then the Creative Goddess e-course is for you.
“I would really like to express my appreciation to you for the 6-week Creative Goddess Course. I think it is one of the most wonderful things I have allowed myself to do in many years. The course released so many things in me, and I am so pleased and grateful that I actually followed through on it for the duration. Your meditations are so beautiful, and I listen to them often, usually before I go to sleep. And watching you in your videos not only helped creatively, but inspired me in the sense of a “way of being” that I had clamped down within myself for a very long time. So to you and all the beautiful creative goddess-sisters I have met in circle, thank you so much.”
– Goddess Donna“Dearest Goddess Leonie
Wow! I can’t thank you enough! I have been stuck in a creative rut for a long long time…..and that made me feel quite sad like a part of me was missing. Your meditations were wonderful and I loved the videos too it was like your best friend holding your hand and nudging you forward. I felt so much better, more alive and I believe in myself a bit more. I can do my art just for me something sacred, something meaningful and learning all the time. I have discovered that I need to honour the Goddess in me by keeping on being creative. I sooo love being called a Goddess how perfectly wonderful is that!
Huge hugs and Blessings, what an amazing gift you have given us all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Goddess Liz“Today I did project one from week one of the Creative Goddess e-course. I just wanted to let you know that I am in love with what I created, and I feel as if I have already gotten my money’s worth! You are an amazing teacher, and filled my heart with happiness and peace the second you started talking.”
– Goddess Katrina A“Leonie’s gift in this world is bringing people together with themselves.” – Goddess Diana M.
“I dont even know if I can put words to what the experience has been for me – it was life changing! During the space of the workshop I saw my energy shifting and my soul shining. It unlocked a deep sacred knowledge that I found most profound. I was reminded of how much I love to paint. I was reminded of how much I love connecting with other women in sacred space. I was reminded of how much I love the land. I reconnected with the true me! You are Wise Woman. Healer. Guide. Sacred Teacher. All of this and more. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this experience.” – Goddess Sonya F.
“This workshop has been a battery/soul/spirit recharge. Its been rejuvenating, loving, relaxing, and enriching. An opportunity to let go of the negatives (pain, self doubt, and criticsim etc). Its been many things but above all it has cleared my head and reconnected me again with nature, with energy and with inner peace” – Goddess Patricia M.
Here’s what gorgeous things you can expect from the Creative Goddess ecourse…
Every week you will be assigned Creative Goddess projects to do for the week in a range of creative mediums ~ you will be exploring new ways of creating and connecting with the gorgeous soul, wisdom & beauty inside you.
You’ll also receive throughout the course:
- Six hand-drawn, illustrated and painted ebooks and three sets of worksheets guiding you on creating art as a sacred practice, how to find healing on your journey, walking through your stucknesses, how to create sacred space and discovering the Goddess in you.
- Six videos each week from me and Charlie the Happy Healer Dog guiding you on the next part of your Creative Goddess journey.
- Six guided 30 minute MP3 goddess meditations by me to work with for each part of the course. These are incredibly powerful resources, and are worth the price of the course alone.
- A private online forum at the Goddess School to share and connect with other Goddesses on the same journey!
What this translates into?
You will:
- feel more empowered, inspired & courageous in your creating
- discover the amazing, wise, creative, joyful Goddess in you
- be meditating and creating and having an all round amazing time
- be connecting with other Goddess sisters on the journey
- creating like you’ve never created before
- discovering your beauty, wisdom & soul story
- feel blissed out, inspired & much more like a Goddess!
Your Goddess Guides for the journey…
Goddess Leonie & Charlie the Happy Healer dog will be your guides on the Creative Goddess journey…
About Goddess Leonie

I’m an artist, writer, photographer & retreat creator. I’ve sold art to every continent and self-published my first book at 22. I have photographed the goddess in women from India to Singapore to the central deserts of Australia, and have had photographs published in magazines internationally. I was interviewed in SARK’s new book “Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper.”
I would love to help you remember just what a Goddess you are – and what gifts you share and wisdom you hold. And I want to help you remember the Creative Goddess inside you – sharing your story and spirit through art. I created this online course to spread the Goddess Circle worldwide, so even more gorgeous souls just like you can experience the joy, connection, soulfulness & inspiration that is Creative Goddesshood.

I’m so excited to share this journey with you!
About Charlie the Happy Healer dog
And what Creative Goddess eCourse would be complete without Charlie the Happy Healer dog?
Charlie will be making his guest appearances in all the Creative Goddess videos, and guiding you on the Creative Goddess journey in his fluffy, sweet, joyful, sage way.
* You want to create but don’t know how or don’t feel like you are an artist
* You want to deepen their experience of art from fun to sacred
* You are a creative types {including photographers, artists, writers & scrapbookers} who are looking to experience art in a whole new way and have a whole new rush of inspiration
* You feel like a frustrated creative soul who doesn’t feel like you’ve got time to create right now, and you’re longing to reconnect with that gorgeous, shining part of you again
* You want to experience more of their goddess wisdom through art!
Here’s what some more of the goddesses have said about the Creative Goddess eCourse:
“Goddess Leonie lovingly and intuitively holds sacred space for enormous healing work.. much deeper and more powerful than I expected. Her work, if you’re willing to surrender to it, delivers you to the heart of your creative blocks and empowers you to dissolve them. All the while having fun, kicking back with my sisters in the circle and getting paint on my hands!”
– Goddess Sara soularchitect
Goddess Leonie’s Creative Goddess e-course have given me the time and space to really FEEL creative inspiration. It has been such a gift to have some dedicated time to fill my creative well. I especially appreciate Goddess Leonie’s warm, magical, supportive and playful energy as she guides us on amazing Goddess journeys!
– Goddess Silky Hart
“A beautiful sisterhood and support network as well as a wonderful teacher for your journey to bring out your creative Goddess inside. This course has enabled me to truly “come out” to the wonderful goddess that I really am and to heal destructive images of myself. There are now days that I can actually say ‘I LOVE ME!”
– Goddess Kel
I’ve been asked a few questions about the course… and incase you’re wondering the same questions, here’s some FAQs for Creative Goddesses.
1. How will the course be run?
Every week I will send out by email all the course materials for the week. You’ll be able to listen to the MP3 meditations, read the ebooks, watch the videos and do the Creative Goddess projects at whatever time is delicious for you.
2. What creative medium will we be creating in?
The Creative Goddess eCourse will include projects in a range of creative mediums, including collage, painting, journalling, drawing, scrapbooking and sculpture. You can also elect to do some extra creating including dance and photography. Basically – it’s about getting you to unleash your Creative Goddess in all kinds of creative ways, and trying out new mediums you might not have tried before. If you’ve got any special requests for mediums, just ask, and I’ll see if I can include. And please don’t worry about requiring lots of equipment or materials for this course – you can adapt the mediums to work for you. This course is less about creating one specific thing in one specific way, and more about discovery, sacred exploring, soulful creating and going where your Creative Goddess energy is calling you!
3. Is there an minimum age limit for Goddesses to enrol?
No there’s not. I’ve had 13 year old goddesses already take the Creative Goddess ecourse. In the workshops I run here in Canberra, I regularly have little Goddesses involved. Children & teens are already gifted at creativity, living in the moment, being present & being open hearted, so they are such a beautiful part of courses!
4. I’m not an artist. I can’t even draw a stick person. What would I get out of this?
So so much, darlin! This is about creating in a way you’ve never experienced before. Creating because it makes your spirit fly. Creating because it shows the colours of your soul. Creating in a way that frees you, uplifts you and reminds you what an amazing Goddess you are. If you were born, you are an artist. If you are a woman, you are a Goddess. I’d so love for you to join this amazing, creative and inspiring time and see what blooms in your life. You might also like to check out the Creative Fears Soul Spa series.
5. I’m already a painter/dancer/writer. Would I get anything out of this?
I truly, truly think so. This e-course is intended to deepen your experience of both your art & life. We will be creating in all kinds of creative mediums as a chance for you to explore new ways of expressing your wild creative goddess self. And most importantly, we will be creating as a sacred practice, making art a space to hear your soul’s story and connect with the divine in you. You’ll finish the e-course with a whole new rush of inspiration & energy in your life & art. I’m really excited about what miracles will unfold during the e-course!
6. When does it start?
July 31st!!!
Get the Creative Goddess e-course (worth $89) plus all of my meditations, e-courses, workbooks & a year-round goddess circle – over $600 of my goodies… for only $99.
For international goddesses:
For goddesses not living in Australia or New Zealand.
Membership is US$99 and includes all my courses, kits and meditations and a year’s access to the Goddess Circle.
For Australian & New Zealand goddesses:
For all goddesses living in Australia or New Zealand.
Membership is AUS$99 and includes all my courses, kits and meditations and a year’s access to the Goddess Circle
Until we circle as Creative Goddesses…
I am so looking forward to sharing an exquisite experience with you…
With paint on our hands, shining souls & joy at sharing this amazing experience with you ~~~
I so hope you can join us in circle!
Want to be a Goddess Ambassador {affiliate}?
Let more gorgeous goddesses know about my goodies & earn some lovely abundance while you’re at it. Check out my Goddess Ambassador page to sign up.
Creative Goddess Buttons
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