I am bloomin’ chuffed (CHUFFED I tell you) to share another absolutely dazzling interview!
This delicious chat with Jessica Haines of Jessica Haines Designs covered all the good shiz about marketing without social media. Jessica is a Squarespace web designer and branding specialist who works with passionate Boss Babes to create their dream website, one that truly represents their business and elevates it to the next level.
The Good Shiz:
- Being yourself and having fun (1:15)
- Dream clients (2:01)
- Showing up and mental health (4:15)
- Neurodivergence (7:38)
- Getting started with blogging (13:35)
- Illustrations and creating a stand-out website (16:42)
- Using your website to grow your business (18:45)
- Doubling down on what gets you sales (22:37)
- Quitting social media and marketing without social media (24:25)
- Tips for blogging (28:16)
Click HERE to watch!
Love always,

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