Lovebugs (Ladybirds, even…)

I’ve got just the most wonderful gift for you today!

The ever-delightful Keris Fox reached out to me to do a written interview for her Substack and oh my goodness it was just the best!

Keris asked some excellent questions about money and the relationship women have with it, including:

  • What advice would you give your younger self about money?
  • What does it mean to be a millionaire?
  • Is it true that you can live on the interest?
  • Is your social circle made up mostly of other rich people or are you a lot wealthier than your friends? And if the latter, what effect has your wealth had on your friendships?

Yeahhh we go REAL DEEP in this one!

Read it here!

Aren’t Ladybirds just so sweet? (Or Ladybugs, to our US friends!)

Love always,