Hola panda bears!
Welcome back to the second regular instalment of my scrapbook… pictures + words + rambly goodness of what I’ve been up to and what I’m thinking!
It’s been really sweet hearing your feedback about my latest blog posts – from trolling + letters to my trolls to the last scrapbook to the podcast. I’m feeling really invigorated + creative + vulnerable + good. Back in my sweet spot of creating + sharing.
And thank you for your love, excitement + understanding about moving to Canberra.
I honestly felt quite vulnerable about sharing it.
I feel like the boy who cried wolf… but more like the girl who cried “home!” Still… I know it’s a good choice for my lil family. I am still both super excited + slightly anxious all at the same time. I’ll keep sharing + keep writing about the journey.
Keep writing my way home.
You know, maybe that’s the real home here. Creating. Writing. Expressing. Journeying. Connecting. Sharing.
It’s been my constant, my joy, my sweetest saviour.
Thank you all deeply for your love + support + encouraging words, both now + over the past 11 years. It’s been a constant miracle in my life.
So… let’s get into the scrapbookery!
Mermaid Daughter #2 is a pizza MONSTER. Seriously. She’s 16 months old + she puts away half a pizza easily.
I’ve never seen her so incredibly excited about food.
Definitely Italian in a past life.
I bloody love the Timehop app — such a lovely way to celebrate and remember the passage of time.
This day in history: on the left… three years ago today, having a beach dinner in Cairns with my toddler Mermaid Daughter #1.
One year ago today, cuddling a moon faced mermaid baby.
One year ago today. Can you believe it?
All together now on three: 1, 2, 3… awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….
I call this look my “Sporty Spice in Puffer Jacket and Uggs” look. You can copy it if you like. Suuuuuuuuper stylish this season.
And yes, everything I wear matches. Including my hair + glasses.
They like holding hands in the car. #bestfwends
School holidays: we all haven’t gotten out of our pyjamas in days. #realparenting
Sometimes I wonder if my drawings are Ye olden day selfies.
This one, my five year old mama’s girl who has always been attached at the hip to me, who would move back home to the uterus if she could. She squuuuuezes herself to sit on a chair with me.
“Should we move to a bigger chair?
So I don’t squash you?”
“No mama. I like being squashed by you. So close tooooogetherrr.”
Special moment one year ago: I learned why adults should never, ever go on teacup rides unless they like barfing.
“Not even 7pm and I’m ready for bed. It’s been a big week already. Lots of good changes happening in my world and it is physically and energetically exhausting as I integrate them. Will tell you more about them soon once I’m able to. I’m off for a shower and bed with a full belly of Indian curries.”
Aaaaaaand… after a good 12 hour block of sleep… I feel SO much better! Amazing, right? Ha!
So, like, MONTHS ago… when the whole team was in the throes of birthing the new Academy membership site + the workbooks… and we ran out of chocolate one afternoon… I mentioned it here on Facebook, because OBVIOUSLY, it was an EMERGENCY situation, and we were SUFFERING.
A week later… I get a surprise package… of bunches of deeeelicious raw chocolate — the beautiful creator Ros uses the workbooks to grow her chocolate business + decided to send us some of her own creations to power us along.
It was basically the most delightful thing ever.
I would have taken a photo, but… we ate them all. I stole this from her website instead.
Ya’ll are the best tribe ever.
More food.
New Sunday ritual :: lay in bed, read, write, nap while Adorable But Batshit Crazy-Making Toddler naps.
Big kid is allowed to do whatever she wants – i.e. watch TV – as long as I get some quiet time.
I feel how the ocean looks.
Read this.
A fast read. Interesting in some places. Didn’t give me total jollies, but a fair way to pass the time.
Today’s style statement:
Drama Student in Gumboots. Mermaid Daughter #2’s is Sporty Spice Paddington Bear. #fashunblahger
In my journal. A quote from my favourite Gretchen Rubin.
I just finished reading her book. Highly recommend!
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