Love bugs,
Today I’m going to be sharing with you exactly how I creatively plan million dollar years & the three tools I use to do that!
Everything I cover in the video:
- The statistics that changed my life!
- My number one tool that I absolutely cannot live without
- How I use journalling in my life & biz
- Messy bullet journalling!
- A look into my to-do lists & habit trackers
- Why I use two different types of calendars
- The software I use in my biz to keep us on track
Ready for the bestest news of the year?!
You can order your My Brilliant Year workbooks (formerly known as the Goal Getter workbooks) right now!
They’re my number one tool for planning million dollar years. I’ve been using them consistently for 14 years now (!!!). It’s something I use religiously – and I’m constantly amazed when I review each year’s at just how many of my dreams and goals came true.
Over the last 14 years, hundreds of thousands of women have used these workbooks with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your next 12 months an absolutely incredible year!
It uses simple yet powerful techniques to help you not only dream your biggest dream and set your goals, but to actually MAKE THEM HAPPEN too.

At the end of the day the tools don’t matter, you do.
As much as we planner groupies love all the tools, stationery & journals, all that really matters is you.
Experiment and see what works for YOU. For your life, your brain, your sanity & your productivity.
And if you were looking for a sign?
Yes. You should go make that thing. Stop scrolling & go make some magical stuff. The world is waiting for you.
All this planning stuff is to help you bring the richness & beauty inside you out into the world so you can make miracles happen.
I can’t wait to see what you create next!
Sending you so much love,

Order the My Brilliant Year workbooks to plan for an incredible 2024 in life + biz
- My Brilliant Year goal workbooks for 2024 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)
- The Brilliant Biz & Life Academy (get ALL my offerings at a wildly affordable price!)
- Sales Star
- Marketing Without Social Media
- Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
- 40 Days To A Finished Book
- 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course
- Get Organised!
- Work Less, Earn More
- How To Hire & Manage A VA
- Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire’s Finances (only $7!)