Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
A gorgeous Goddess Circle sister, Jess the Foxy Goddess posted the most GORGEOUS picture ever the other day…

She’s been revisiting her 2011 Creating your Goddess Year workbook to get ready for her 2012 workbook, and found much to her delight, she’d managed to complete nearly all of the things on her 100 Things To Do In 2011 List!
I so love Jess‘ story of how she found me… she was googling for 2011 workbooks, and found mine… bought it instantly, and fell in love, and said it changed her life. Her story is so special to me… I remember her joining the Goddess Circle and how much she blossomed and shone at this amazing rate… you could see her transforming before your eyes. It was utterly sacred to witness. She is now one of the mentors in the Goddess Circle helping to keep it joyful, gorgeous & sacred for everywoman there, and I am so blessed to call her a friend & a Goddess Circle sister.
So I was SO inspired by her actions, and revisiting her 2011 workbook that I decided to do the same.

So we headed out into the garden for a Workbook Dreaming Picnic.
I love that I have this yearly ritual of going into my backyard to do this workbook… this is the third year! Here’s photos from the first two:
It started with a belly, and then there was this baby & now I have a toddler running around nude in the garden carrying her handbag…

So I dived into my folder filled with 2011 musings…
I haven’t even looked at it since I filled it out in January at our Backyard Dreaming Picnic.

And here’s the amazing thing…
I discovered in reviewing 2011…
even though I didn’t refer to the workbook once I’d finished it…
it all came true.
Utterly, profoundly & beautifully.

So I got to my 100 Things To Do in 2011 List (just like Jess’) & went through circling all the ones that were complete… and writing down all the ones I didn’t do & really wanted to do.
Which left me with 6 things.
And I thought… I can TOTALLY do that in a month! I’ve got time!!!!
So I did an art journal page about them in watercolours to remind me:

And I’m now officially on Operation Make My 2011 Dreams Come True!
This is doable!!! This is TOTALLY doable!!! Not to mention FUN!
So! First order of business!
I had:
Find a Unicorn Painting/Print that I LOVE & buy it!
So I spent some time on Sunday (my day off) hunting around on Redbubble & Etsy for the unicorn picture that sung to my soul. And I couldn’t find one at all. And then I found a really old photograph that reminded me of one I’d seen years ago in my (now closed) favourite bookstore called The Sanctuary. I hunted high & low for the owner, but couldn’t find one anywhere that I could buy from. So I decided to make a mini collage/altered art instead, using a copy printed onto watercolour paper, painted over with washes of colour & with a gazillion tiny baby sea shells and sequins. I really wish I could have found the owner as I really REALLY prefer to buy directly from artists wherever possible, but until providence lets me buy a giant unicorn photograph from them, I have this little reminder hanging in my kitchen:

NEXT UP!!!!!
Take 1000 Instagrams
I checked, and I was already at 970 photos which was AWESOME, especially considering I had a really beautiful love affair with it but have lately been heading back to my beloved CameraBag app for it’s Cross Processing dreaminess.
(If you want to hear me rabbit on more about Photo Apps, Actions & Tools I Love, click here.)
Anyhewsles, my rediscovered romance with Camerabag wasn’t going to let me stand in the way of a fun creative challenge & list item ticked off!
Thanks to a week of backyard art journalling sessions and Instagram photoshoots, I’m proud to say:

WOOO! TICK!!!!!!!
Next up!!!!
Get a Pedicure
Confession time: I’ve never actually gotten a professional manicure. Or pedicure.
When I’ve told people this, they’ve gasped and said “Not even when you got married????”
And I am all “Dude! I didn’t even brush my hair for my wedding! Why would I do anything else?”
So I thought it would be ridunkulous fun to get a pedicure.
I thought a pedi might be a better option for me, considering my fingers are usually covered in paint anyway.
So I enlisted my sissy in on the mission.

This morning, on our usual weekly date to trollop the streets, visit our gorgeous granny, brainstorm about our business & talk about spirit, we decided to get pedi-ed for the first time. Together.
It was awesome.
And as luck would have it ~ a friend of ours who is a gifted healer ~ had just started working at the beauty therapist’s, and was our toe specialist! WOO! How synchronistic is that?
We decided to forgo the treatment room & just get our toesies done in the foyer on the comfy couch, so we could hang out together with Starry & gossip as only two sisters can.

The hard part was deciding what colour we wanted.
I only changed my mind three times.
First option: bright blue with glitter!
Second option: every colour of the rainbow!
Third option: Julie! Go wild! You decide!
Fourth *and final* option: No, I definitely want turquoise. Can I get this one with glitter AND silvery sparkles in it?
It was awesome.
My sister’s choosing was easier.
Me: No, deep red is going to look totally sexy on you and really pop against your skin.
Her: Oh, okay. You’re right, it does look good.
Ten minutes later:
Me: Oh, you know, ignore me. Do whatever colour makes you ridunkulously happy.

Mmmmmmm. It’s like a spa day, but only for my toes.

Starry was with us for the Great Pedicure Devirginising. She thought it was RAD. Even if she did spend most of it pretending to talk on her aunty becka’s phone. Hee!!!!

Woo!!!!! Blue glittery sparkly mermaid toes!!!!
When I got home, Chris did the inspection & said “hey! Your toes match your caravan!”
True true. I like it a lot!!!
That leaves only *three* things left on my mission for the year:
1. Meet a beefalo
2. Ride a horse again
3. Talk to my friend Nixie on the phone.
Operation Status is forthwith:
1. Meet a beefalo.
Chances of success: 80%
Before we moved back here, I’d heard there was a farm here breeding beefalo. And I decided I would find a way to meet them, and ask if I could come cuddle one. I figure it’s as close as I’m going to get to my beloved buffalo right now.
And as providence would have it, a couple of months ago I saw my Dad at the Post Office, and we collected our mail together with Starry on my hip. Standing in line in front of us was a gorgeous silver-eyed woman who gave a rowdy g’day to my Dad, and they talked for a while. And she looked at Ostara and said to him “You should bring your grand-daughter out to see the beefalos some time!”
My jaw hit the ground. “You’re the beefalo lady? OMG! I LOVE BUFFALOS!!! We would LOVE to come visit!”
And she thought it would be the funnest thing ever.
And as soon as the miracle meeting was over, I turned to Dad and said “You didn’t tell me you knew beefalo lady!”
And he shrugged his shoulders and said “Yeah, I helped her move some giant pigs a couple of months ago. Shit they were hard work getting them onto the truck.”
This is what it’s like to have a wild bushman Centaur farmer Dad, incase you’re ever wondering.
He’s full of surprises.
Anyhews, we were supposed to go beefalo-ing last week for his birthday, but he’s off making mischief (working).
I’m pretty dang sure we’ll be able to head out there before 2012 rolls around, so fingers crossed, peeps.
2. Ride a horse again
Chances of success: 10%
Here’s the thing. I currently don’t know anyone with horses I can ride.
Since my horses, the darling Rebble & sweet Jeremiah the bullfrog made their rainbow journeys, my Dad doesn’t keep horses on the farm.
So I have no idea how on God’s green earth I’ll ride a horse within a month when I don’t know any horses (and there’s no trail riding places nearby.)
But I’m leaving the chance of success at 10%.
Coz I just know the Universe can come through with some super miracles some times. And I’m totally open to that.
3. Talk to my friend Nixie on the phone.
This is Nixie of twin-blue-windchime fame. We’ve been internet homegirls for a gazillion years & called in love in person but haven’t taken our relationship to the phone level yet. I aim to change that this year. As soon as she lets me stalk her on Skype. C’mon Nixie. Do it for your country. Do it for my splendid mission.
Chances of success: 100%.
She loves me, and knows I have a very lovely singing voice that sings lilting country music lullabies at will. Nobody can resist that kind of temptation.
I’m a woman on a mission, party people.
Watch me soar!
glowing love, gigglesnorts & glitter!!!!!!
If you liked this post:
I’m pretty sure you’re going to flipping LOVE the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner & calendar!!!