Hola gorgeous goddesses!
Between moving in + re-arranging my bookshelves {my favourite thing to do! i sort by themes! you?} + our first family roadtrip + doctor’s appointments {everything all perfect! yippee!} + family gatherings + a gazillion naps with the cutest mermaid around…
I’ve been working on this… my soul work’s true love…

… thinking of all the ways to make ze Goddess Circle as powerful + divine + joyful for goddesses as possible!
I’m making a download centre where goddesses can get all their goddess goodies + e-courses + workbooks + meditation kits…
* My e-courses *
* My kits *

coming up with all ze extra gooooodies…
I really, really want goddesses to not just discover the goddess inside them… but KEEP ON discovering her, coming back to her, and LIVING as a goddess!
So the pluses are…
::: a year round goddess circle

::: a MAMA GODDESS circle for pregnacious goddesses + mama goddesses to share wisdom, moments, insights + support each other (also open for maidens who want to learn mama wisdom in advance!)

::: a BUSINESS GODDESS circle for goddesses who are turning their heart’s dream into a business… whether you are just starting out or are already there. This will be a circle to share resources, business smartness, brainstorm, talk about delicious marketing + getting the word out about your wonderful gift. A place to make your huge business-dream-idea come true!

::: An ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE to help you get your to-do list done… from the small habit changes to the big i’m making my magnificent dream come true! changes. Accountability circles are definitely one of the tools that have helped me turn my gorgeous hobby into our family’s gorgeously abundant income… enabling us to move back home to tropical paradise.

::: A GODDESS PENPAL CIRCLE for goddesses to resume that ancient art of letterwriting… and making envelope-wrapped BFFs all around ze world! We’re bring it baaaack + I’m excited! 😀
You also get EVERYTHING I create over the year as well… including:
::: at least TWO new GODDESS E-COURSES including my BUSINESS GODDESS COURSE for starting + growing your gorgeous dream business
::: the 2011 Creating your Goddess Year workbook + planner
::: any new meditation kits I create!!!
Question time!
Got any ideas of how to make it even more delicious + delirious + divine?
What are you ahankering for? Want a specialty circle set up?
Tell me sweetpea… and I’ll see what I can do!
We are in ze business of making dreams come true!
Sooooo excited about it beginning… next Wednesday circle opens!!!
For more info + to grab a membership, just pop on over thissssaway.
Okay my darlinghearts…
Time to vadamooooosh before Lil Miss Starry wakes up again!
you are so so so so so loved + special + divine,