Hola gorgeous Goddess!
It’s that time of the week again… Switch Off Sunday!
Switch Off Sunday is my weekly ritual of making all or part of our Sunday switched off… logging off our ‘puters and doing some of those things we really wanna do… and just adoring our beautiful goddess lives.
You can join me by taking off the whole day, the morning, the afternoon or just a couple of hours off from being online. Write down now how long is the perfect time for you to “Switch Off”.
Facebook, Google Reader, Twitter, blogs and your inbox will all be there tomorrow waiting for you. But Sundays are for beautiful recharging 🙂
Some glorious things you can do this Switch off Sunday:
- Make a To-Do list book
- Create your own gorgeous Christmas stockings
- Go for a walk or take a meditation-nap with your iPod playing some meditations
- Have a little bit of an unclutter – make your home spacious and yummy!
- Make some creative new decorations for your Christmas tree
- Plant something in your garden… or if it is winter time where you are – on your windowsill!
- Have a half-day slumber party in your bed… with journals, books, music, oracle cards…
- Walk : Move : Dance
- Make some art
- You know that box of pictures & goodies you’ve got hidden away somewhere… for that one day when you’ll use them, journal them, scrapbook them? Today’s the day!

Here’s my plans for my Switch Off Sunday…
Well… I don’t want to call them *plans* as such… more like *MAGNIFICENT POSSIBILITIES!*
- Finish up washing and putting away the beautiful hand-me-down nappies & baby clothes we’ve been given. We are using the writing table I’ve had since I was 12 for Little Mermaid’s clothes. It feels like there is something holy and right about completing this circle – I have dreamed upon that desk for so long now… and it is going to be nurturing my biggest dream of all soon!
- Hang some of the beautiful Goddess prayer flags in Little Mermaid’s room that the beautiful Wild Earth Arts sent me! I adore!
- Maybe today will finally be the day me & my extremely talented love make some art for Little Mermaid’s change room. I’ve gessoed the backgrounds… now all that is left is some magicifying to do!
- Charge up my iPod. Why am I writing this here? Because my iPod is like the generator of my meditation habit. It’s been out of batteries this week so guess what? No meditation practice! Boo! But charging it up = back to meditation. Hurrah!
- Finish up my next little creative project… will show you this in a video next week! Yay!
- Finish up a one-off Goddess in You painting commission
- Make something out of my craft projects book (another one I didn’t get to last week)
- Add to the scrapbook/journal folder we are making for Little Mermaid
- Fifteen minutes of our exercise bike. There’s something about moving my pregnant hips in a circular direction that is totally needed right now.
- Unclutter & make our living room all cozy again.

Divine Decluttering story…
On the subject of uncluttering… can I just say what a difference it makes? This last week’s project has been our bathroom. It’s been filled with photos and jewellery and knick-knacks that were starting to feel a little bit old in energy… like when I looked at them, I just didn’t feel glorious any more. I felt a little bit stifled, a little bit like I was keeping them out of obligation, a little bit overwhelmed by it all. And I’ve been a-thinking for MONTHS… I should just get rid of them, ya know?
So instead of making it into a big job, each day I’ve just been taking a couple of things away from the area. I gave Goddess Sone a bunch of my treasures, listed some of my crystal necklaces for sale (I’ve reduced the price on the remaining treasures by 40%… I want them sent out into the world by Christmas!), took some of my paintings out, and replaced with a couple of Chris’ paintings that felt bright and shiny. And when I walk in the bathroom now, I’m just a-mazed at what a difference it makes. It feels soft and glorious and new and revitalised in there now.
So my litmus test with any object now is:
When I look at you, do you make my heart sing? Do I want to like you or feel I should like you, but I don’t really? Do you remind me of something that doesn’t feel beautiful, true or nourishing to me right now?
And when I follow that answer… and release and let go… it makes space for this lovely new energy to enter. And holy dinger it feels GOOD.
The End of my happy uncluttery story! hee hee hee 🙂
It’s time!
Time to switch off… and soak in this shiny, shiny day. What glorious things can you make/see/play/do today?
Get out a pen and paper… write them down… dream and play!
love you shiny sweetness!
P.S. Less than a month until Term 2 of Goddess School begins!