By now you’ll know I’m part of a scrumptious line up for the Soul of Business Summit, so I’ll keep this one short and sweet: The Soul of Business Summit kicks off on Sunday (Monday for us Aussie babes) with a special invite LIVE Zoom!
Are you in? Pssst…the link will be e-mailed to those who register!
This is your last chance to jump in, I would hate for you to miss any of the outstanding presentations!
Need a reminder on what the summit is all about?
It’s 3-day bilingual virtual summit (with a BONUS kick-off day!) to inspire creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs to grow with purpose and profit. And of course – you are invited!
I’m one of the 21+ world-renowned creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs who are ready to guide and inspire your business!

Look at that. Who doesn’t want all that goodness?
Presentations (including mine on soul of business, creating from an intuitive creative space and growing our sacred work without social media) will be available to you for 24 hours, but you can also get lifetime access (along with $6k+ in other amazing bonuses) by up-leveling to the TU MAGIA ALL-ACCESS PASS! You’ll receive your invite to up-level when you register for the summit!
I’m thrilled to be part of something so magical!
Big love,

- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
- Weekly love letters
- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- Goal Getter workbooks for 2022 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)