Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
It’s been a big couple of days… filled with some things not going as beautifully as I would have hoped. I can’t share about it here yet ~ until things are lovely and sorted again. But yus… I’ve had moments of being a prickly pear & a warrior goddess as we try & get things sorted.
Another good reminder for me… that when things feel rough… it’s time to create even more softness, gentleness & self-love in my life.
So that’s what we’ve been doing the last couple of days.
Yesterday was a pillow & book picnic under our pergola. That’s my sun lounge for meditationapping on, our collection of succulents & our fairy & her cottage.

Today, in the late of the afternoon, I needed another goodness top-up. I was procrastinating doing it – why do we procrastinate doing the things that make us feel good?
I decided to turn it into a ritual instead.

I went to our bedroom, and made it feel all cosy and light, without any clutter. Out came my sacred tools… my workbook, put on a CD called “Grace” by Snatam Kaur Khalsa & sprayed the room with Calming Mama Goddess mist. I got out my favourite crystal (a glowing blue obsidian) and settled in.

With a bit of structure & support ~ it became easier to do the thing I knew would make me feel better.
And things started flowing out, as they do. I asked my angels & guides to let me know anything I needed for 2010.
Some of the words that poured out stunned me in a lovely way… they felt like just the things my spirit needed to hear.

This is what it looks like to write from my perspective. tee hee hee!
And yes, I now do have an outie!
I want to introduce you to someone special. It’s Tiny Tim! The cute little mole who has lived inside the cave of my belly button for all these years… and now, for the first time in 27 years… my Tiny Tim is now living in the sunshine. Welcome to the world, little moley! I hope you are having so much fun down there 🙂

And then… I got jumped on by my three furries… Charlie, Angel & Mr Hunky. Bedroom officially raided with love. So my little nest of self-comfort became a family nest of comfort. Angel leaning up against Chris as he read Attachment Connection… Charlie resting up against me as I continued on.

This was my favourite page to do… and I’ve left space in it so I can keep on adding to it. Thinking about, collecting and writing down all the tools I can use whenever I need a lift… walking, calling my mum, making something, reading my oracle cards, asking my angels for help, eating something green, using the medicine wheel, meditating…
I know this year is going to be transformative… in three months, I’ll become a mama when our little mermaid arrives in the world. I’m finishing up working in an office. My whole, beautiful life is changing. And it’s all things I want… and yet… I know I need support. Tools to use when I need them… This sacred act of gathering into a medicine bag just lit me up.

I’m not alone. Neither are you, darlingheart.
And the last thing I wrote in my medicine bag was “Foot Soaks.” And then my love called me into the bathroom, and he’d run a foot bath for the two of us. That man amazes me. So in tune! So we sat in chairs over the bathtub, reading books, patting puppies.
Giving our beautiful souls just what they needed to glow again.
So that’s been my journey… the journey of my days, of self comfort, of the beginning of a new year, of working with my workbook & witnessing all the beautiful, potent things that come up during it.
I’ve been adoring reading other goddess’ journeys with their 2010: Creating my Goddess Year workbook & planner, including:
- Ebenezer’s Scribe
- My Magical Existence
- Creative Everyday
- Spiritual Semaphore
- Goddess Sunshine
- Ink on my fingers
- Lefty by default
- Jennifer Lee
- The Queen of Creativity
- Dandelion Seeds & Dreams
- Aus Animal Goddess
- Antithete
- A Desire to Get Creative
- Domesticated Gypsy
- Veda Sun
If you’re wanting to share about your workbook journey on your blog, you are welcome to use this banner:

And do let us know in the comments your link so all the rest of us goddesses can read it too 🙂
The beautiful Goddess Tangerine Meg said the loveliest thing:
It’s quite amazing… whilst I was making the collages, and filling in the pages… to think of so many other Goddesses all doing their own ones too at the same time!
Amen to that. There are over 250 goddesses out there in the world… all doing the workbook… dreaming up their goddess year… and that gives me beautiful, delightful shivers of joy. We are dreaming up divine things together, dear goddess sisters. Of that, I am sure.
May your days be filled with love, rainbows, kindness, foot soaks & gladness…
because you deserve it all, sweetpea.
I adore you,

P.S. Gentle reminder: Goddess School begins in 15 days!