A year ago, I gathered for the first time with a group of beautiful business women that were friends or friends of friends. We thought it would be just a once off lovely dinner… but as soon as we came together, we knew we needed each other.
Since then we’ve seen each other almost every month… we’ve circled and brainstormed and gone to the spa together and partied and so much more. I can’t believe it’s only been a year since we found each other. It feels like a lifetime, and I don’t know how I lived without them. It’s a blessing to be loved and supported and cherished and held like this.
Today, we returned to our second home Noosa Valley Manor to sit by the fire and in the forest together. To dream of what the next year of our circle will be. May it guide us into even more love, clarity, joy, creativity and connection.
Thank you @madisonbeaufortart @amandarootsey @tashcorbin @brigitesslemont @clairerileyofficial @cassdellerdesign for being more than I could have ever dreamed of.
How did I ever get so lucky?
Love always,

- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
- Weekly love letters
- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- My Brilliant Year workbooks for 2023 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)
- The Brilliant Biz & Life Academy – JOIN THE WAITLIST!
- Get Organised!
- Work Less, Earn More
- Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire’s Finances (only $7!)
- Sales Star
- Marketing Without Social Media
- Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
- 40 Days To A Finished Book
- 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course