Hola gorgeous ones!
Holy dinger, what a HUGE month December was!
Here’s a mini-round-up of what December looked like here at Unicorns and Mermaids and Obscene Language HQ.
What December looked like for us!
- published 22 blog posts (nearly daily!)
- had our hugest revenue month in history (!!!!)
- now have 9000 (SQUEEEE!!!) members in our 2016 Workbookers Facebook group. (That place is seriously my fave… creative + inspiring!)
- hit 100,000 followers on our Facebook page (DA FUQ! OUR UNICORN VILLAGE IS NOW A CITY!)
- made an important + huge new management hire which will increase our capacity exponentially in 2016 (YAY!) (I’ll introduce you to them as soon as I can!)
added three more staff to our customer service team to keep up with the demand.
And of course, to keep it real… we also:
- had to have some rough, hard conversations with contractors who were not meeting expectations
- had our usual tumble of arguments and toe-stepping-on in the process of keeping up with a fast moving company (me and Grant ARE super proud however – our arguments which used to last for weeks now only last for about three minutes! #achievementunlocked)
- had a hard time keeping up with our workloads (thus why we’ve added more to our team!)
Here’s our favourite posts from divine, delicious, delirious December!

2015: Best Books
It’s the mossssst magggggicalllll timmmmme of the yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
…when we talk about books!
Each year I share my roundup of the best books I’ve read that year.
And as always, the usual disclaimers apply:
- many of these books have been around for a good while. This isn’t a list of 2015 best new releases. This is an autobiographical look at my own personal reading list.
- if you are looking for common sense reviews that concisely detail the thematic undercurrents of the book… you’re in the wrong place. Leonie-reviews are a blend upon themselves.
- for something a lil new and delicious this year, I’ve asked GrantyGrantoGrantacular our Chief Operations Officer to share his favourite books from his year as well. Mostly because I’m a big fan of his writing and it means I get to read more of it (selfish), but also because it would be interesting to see where we had overlap. Plus he MAY make more sense than me. Possibly. I’m interested in how our two perspectives differ + overlap.

Our Most Viral, Controversial + Popular Posts Of 2015
We’re currently working through our 2015 company review.
We look back at our 2015 workbooks and see what goals came true and what didn’t.
We work through the questions of the 2016 Biz Goals workbook and see what worked and what didn’t, so we can be more effective next year.
This kind of review process is worth GOLD. It’s the kind of reviewing + planning that accelerates business growth exponentially.
Just one of the things we look at is the marketing that worked over the last year. I get my team to review our traffic + see what our most popular blog posts were for the year, I’m fascinated by what was popular and what resonated with you all.
This year the content that was most popular were…
- vulnerable sharings about my mistakes
- controversies + strong opinions
- illustrated conference notes
- posts by Grant (the COO I hired this year) and
- free e-books.
Let’s go more into deets, yeah?

FREE PRINTABLE POSTER: The Success Question You Should Ask Yourself Everyday!
A free printable poster for you today!
I STRONGLY urge you to print it out + put it above your desk + ask yourself the question every.single.day as you start work.
This question is one of my big “success secrets” in building a rapidly growing multi-million dollar company from a hobby.
Everyday, I turn up to work and ask myself this question EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I write down the answer… and I go and do it.
It’s how I’ve built my business in part-time hours. I’ve always been super cognisant of the fact that my time is limited, so I better make what I do MATTER.

2015: My Life + Business Review
Phew! What a big year!
I like to do these round-ups at the end of each year to document everything I’ve done, celebrate what goals I’ve achieved, what I’ve learned + what miracles have happened.
And I’m SO excited to dive into the 2016 Life + Biz goals workbooks + start mapping out what we can create next year!!
Even now, as CEO of a multi-million dollar company, the workbooks are my framework for serious business planning + joyful life design. I made it for myself first and foremost.

Big Dreams Are Made Of Little Pieces [A Guest Post By Grant]
I’ve been thinking about breathing lately. How it just seems to happen.
We don’t think about it until it gets labored or we are short of a breath or two.
But under everything in our lives, is breathing.
It is a kind of ground for consciousness.
It is keeping the lights on.
The quality of your day is dependent on ~20,000 breaths a day.
Our world is built of pieces. Like breaths.

I’m A Cover Girl!
I became a COVERGIRL!
I’m still Leonie from the (Rainforest) Block tho.
Who still can’t quite believe anybody knows who the fuck I am.
I feel like I’ve been hiding out in the mountains for a loooooong time.
And coming back to Canberra has been a return to civilisation + also waaaaaaaaaaay more attention than I am used to.
From being an Ausmumpreneur of the Year finalist to top 6 in the Australian Businesswoman of the Year Awards… now to being a covergirl… yeah… I don’t quite feel so much like the hidden hermit anymore.
It’s totally a huge honour. And it’s still taking me some time to getting used to.
You can read about it more here.

A Little Letter To Little Leonie On Our Birthday
It was my birthday back in November.
I wrote this heartfelt letter to my 4 year old self as a birthday love note.
Hey lil Leonie, it’s big Leonie.
It’s our birthday today.
How good is that? We love our birthday.
Especially the cake. Always the cake.
I just wanted you to know that we did it, girl.

LEONIE’S SCRAPBOOK: My World Record’s Longest Scrapbook Post Evuh!!
We’re back with my usual scrapbook of photos + ramblings from the past couple of weeks (okay, more like past month!)
Be warned… dis one is BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG.
Well… in Leonie World at least…
In here you’ll find pictures + musings from my life + the adventures I’ve been up to!

The Fucked Day Meditation
A free meditation for you.
Just incase you are having a shitter of a day.
Use it for a laugh, or to feel strangely comforted + uplifted!
Watch it as a video, listen as an audio or download the audio meditation here!

The Secret Sauce To Making Big Goals Happen
Got big goals, but getting stuck on how to make them happen?
Looking at this huge, momentous dream you want to make happen – but it feels completely overwhelming?
Grant our COO has some sage, wise guidance on how to create a map for those big dreams of yours and make them achievable NOW.

Carry The Future: Australia Appeal
I’ve heard a lot about the work of Carry The Future – an organisation that meets refugees as they arrive into Greece and gift them with baby carriers to help parents easily transport them + hold them + give their children a safe, comforting place to sleep + watch the world.
I’m starting a baby carrier drive for Australia. If you have a baby carrier you can donate, I would love for you to get involved. I have an Ergo that I carried both my girls in as babies that I’ll be sending along.
I know the cost of sending carriers from Australia to Greece (or the US head office of Carry The Future) has prevented people from being able to donate. So I want to do something about it! My company will happily pay all shipping costs to get all baby carriers from Australia to Greece to get directly to the refugees. I just need you to send ’em my way.
Click here to find out how to get involved.

Want To Win An Academy Membership?
We’re running a social media competition to celebrate the 2016 product collection!
Share a picture of the workbooks or diary (or you with them!) on social media before January 31, and you could win one of TWO Shining Biz + Life Academy memberships (worth $497 each!)
How To Enter:
- Upload your picture on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. (Make sure you’re not set to private!)
- Hashtag it with #2016planners
- The most creative + most scenic photographs will win!
They bring such a smile to my dial…and I ADORE seeing the workbooks all splayed out around the world…working their magic with women everywhere!!!

A Peek Inside the 2016 Life Goals Workbook
Each week we’ve been giving you a peek into our 2016 planner collection… there’s so much new + wonderful stuff this year to share with you to help you plan out your best life + biz yet in 2016!
You can also see the other product deep-dives here:
Here I give you a peek inside the 2016 Create Your Shining Year in LIFE workbook!

A Peek Inside The 2016 Shining Year Weekly Diary/Planner
Undoubtedly, the Shining Year workbooks keep getting better and better. And, this year I’m so very excited to share our newest product with you!
This was very much a labour of love to create it – I’ve never created a weekly diary-planner before.
It was something that was very much requested…

A Look Inside The Business Goals Workbook
Our last sneak peek into my latest product collection range for 2016 goals + planning.
You can also see the other product deep-dives here:
When it came to creating the 2016 Biz Goals Workbooks this year, I decided to do a major expansion + uplevel.
- It now comes in its own book
- It’s now separated into chapters
- I added many more sections + questions to make it a complete business planning tool
- I created all new illustrations for it + it was completely redesigned from the ground up.
- Printed on recycled paper
- You get a smorgasbord of suggestions for goals for each area of your biz
- Also get my recommended books + resources list for each area!

LATEST ACADEMY RELEASE: How To Create Standard Operating Procedures
We’ve got a brand spankin’ new course in the Academy!
In this one – How To Create Standard Operating Procedures, we’re talking alllllllll about getting your fucks in a row, putting on your big girl panties and making your business run like a BIG business.
SOP’s are your business’ growth miracle maker. Trust me.
If you’re already a member, lucky you! Hop to it here!
Not a member…yet? Learn more about the course here!

Fun Ideas To Creatively Pimp Your 2016 Planners!
One thing that’s been super fun to see pop up this year is people getting creative + innovative with how they customise their 2016 goals workbooks, to do list pads + weekly diary-planner to be perfect for their life!
The 2016 workbookers Facebook group is busy + thriving with brilliant ideas + shining souls… so inspiring to see and be a part of! Make sure you join it… it really is incredibly motivating!
Click here for 7 Weekly Diary-Planner hacks!

Let Me Fly You To Canberra For A Full Day Mastermind With Me?? It’s Our Biggest Affiliate Competition Evuh!!
Every single month, we send THOUSANDS of dollars out to our wonderful affiliates. It’s lusciously lucrative & divinely FUN! Come on board!
This year is our BIGGEST affiliate competition EVER with over $21,000 (!!!!!) in prizes to be won including the chance to fly to Canberra for a fabulous fun-filled mastermind with me!
Come join in on the competition now!

Incase You’re Suffering From Christmas-itis…
The holidays are gone and over with but this post still very much applies…
I just want to say…
I hope you had a Merry Christmas filled with love and kindness and laughter.
But I also want to say…
It’s okay if you didn’t. Truly, it’s okay.
It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be good. Whatever it needs to be, it is.
Wherever you are…
In the midst of the BEST DAY EVER or the Shittiest Crapfest of the Century or something I like to call a Festival of Awkward, or something in between…
I want you to know you’re okay. You’re whole. Everything is going to be okay. It’s okay for things to be how they are today.
Your whole life is waiting for you. All the ordinary days to come.
And it’s going to be bloody beautiful.

FREE POSTER + COLOURING PAGE: Brené Brown’s 10 Guideposts For Wholehearted Living
I recently read my very first Brené Brown book – The Gifts of Imperfection.
I’m always so reluctant to jump on popular book bandwagon – but lemme say… there’s a reason her books are so popular.
I had so many AHA! moments + wanted a poster to remind myself of the 10 guideposts for whole hearted living. I couldn’t find one, so I made one.
Of course – I had to share it along with you! I was pretty sure ya’ll would be Brené lovers too!
And for fun, I created a b+w version as well if you want to colour your own in as well!

What Influenced Me In 2015 [A Post From Our COO, Grant]
2015, baby, YOU moved me.
It was just non-stop change, growth, failure, improvement, and success. I can barely write this – I’m still out of breath!
Time itself is a powerful force. But it’s like those moving sidewalks in the airport. When you’re walking fast on one of those, you are going places. That’s how 2015 has been for me.
This isn’t just a post about books – it’s about concerts, books, people, and songs. My sail is up for all-the-wind and so my best-of list has a little variety.

FREE TRAINING: How To Actually Make Sure Your Goals Come True In 2016!
Coming up Friday (US) / Saturday (AUS), we’ll be hosting a FREE LIVE training called The Top 10 Goal Setting Mistakes That Ensure Failure.
In this webinar, you’ll learn…
- the reason why 96% of people set themselves up for failure
- our coveted step-by-step goals success plan
- how we’ve used our plan to create a multi-million dollar success story
- the best way to create & attain your goals without losing your spirit, integrity or lifestyle.
- the powerful success secret that the smartest, richest + most powerful people in history have used that you can hardness in your own life with big results
For more details and to grab your exclusive (& free!) ticket, click here.
Woah! What a busy December! Looking forward to a juicy January – we’ve got so much goodness to share with you!
All my love,

P.S. Darlingheart – what are you waiting for?
The time is ripe and potent. NOW is the time to plan, dream + create your biz + life dreams come true in 2016. Use our powerful, proven + popular planners to get the results you need!
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