Hola gorgeous petals!

I’ve been in hermit mode lately…. I’ve taken some time away from producing free content here to create and produce new courses for my Academy members. I just went and counted… we now have over 100 courses in there!

There’s even more goodies and deliciousness coming that way too… I’ll be announcing them very soon.

My goal with the Academy is always to make it the most incredible value… to keep delighting our members over and over again. (Probably why 8 out of every 10 members will sign up for another year of membership… and why we have members who have been with us for nearly 6 years since the day I opened it!!!!!!)

So yes… if you’re noticing I’ve been quiet around these parts… the Academy is the best way to get more guidance, support & resources from me!

Okay possums – here is what I did share over the last month!

Ai3May Picture
Give The Gift Of Saving Another Mother’s Life

While I originally wrote this post for Mother’s Day, when does saving another mother’s life evvvverrrrr go out of style?

For as little as $28, you can save a woman’s life… and give a newborn baby the gift of their mother.

$28. $28!!!!!!!!! That’s how cheap it is for a life?????

So, the next time you are looking for a gift, why not give the gift of life?

Two beautiful ways to do just that – click here to see how!

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Free Poster & Desktop Wallpaper: 8 Ways To Instant Happy

Time for something fun!

Here’s a free poster for you to:

  • print out
  • pop above your desk as a reminder throughout your day how to get out of grumpsville
  • pop in your diary or art journal!

These are all things I do when I find my energy is lagging and I need a bolt of joy/inspiration/divine guidance/gigglesnorts! Certified Fill-Your-Well activities!


7 Chakra Business Model Masterclass

If it already wasn’t one of the raddest places to hang + grow your biz online, the Shining Academy is bursting with new content!

Recorded over three video sessions that span Day 1 of the Shining Retreat, Canberra 2016, the 7 Chakra Business Model is a powerful, profound in-depth workshop exploration.

In this intensive deep dive, you will learn:

  • what stage your business is at
  • what you need to focus on right now to move your business to the next level
  • pitfalls to be wary of
  • resources to help (and avoid)
  • how to avoid doing the infamous “Bird” maneuver which will render you stuck, procrastinating and inert!
  • Find out exactly where you are in business + what you need to focus on right now!

Click here for more!

New Course Release: 6i Success System

It’s time to discover and FIX the blocks in your business that are limiting your growth!

The 6i Success System is a comprehensive diagnostic tool to help you work out EXACTLY what you need to work on next in your business in order to take it to the next level.

It sums up the 6 essential mindset habits required to create success… the habits I’ve used each day for the last 8 years to create a multi-million dollar company working part-time hours.

In this intensive one day workshop, you will learn:

  • The “6i” success habits you need to see your dreams get birthed into the world.
  • How to diagnose what you need to work on next.
  • The structures and systems your biz needs so that it can grow as far as your dreams dare.

More details here!

New Course Release: 2016 Shining Retreat

While we are on a roll with new Academy content, I am so so so SO happy to release the entire 2016 Shining Academy retreat recording as a brand spankin’ new course in my Shining Biz & Life Academy!

All in one handy-dandy place, Academy members have access to transcripts, mp3’s, video and slides of the entire retreat weekend.

More info here!

Numbers That I’m Proud Of

This right here… these are numbers I am so very proud of…

They aren’t the numbers of what I’ve sold. They are the numbers of what I’ve kept.

They are the ones that show I haven’t just written a great sales page but haven’t delivered on those promises – but that I’ve delivered… and even better… EXCEEDED expectations.

These are the numbers of how many of my Academy members finish their year at the Academy and decide to pay for a whole new year because they are getting so much out of it and don’t want to be without the Academy!!!

Read more here!

A Little Note On Being An Introvert

So, most of y’all know I’m an introvert. I wrote a big article about succeeding in life + biz as an introvert actually.

I thought I’d share what I’m discovering the moment about my introvert self. Just a small thing. A small note as the sun sets and I’m collecting my thoughts and waking up.

Join me over here.

Leonie’s Scrapbook: Butt Fuck O’Clock Parties, Giving Back & Girl Dates

So, I like to do these things on the reg. (Reg, I have decided is short for regular. Just go with it.)

Sometimes shit gets lost on social media. And I like these journals and scrawlings of tiny moments. To document them in a scrapbook here for you.

Check it out now!

My Wellpreneur Online Podcast Debut

I was deeeeelighted to be a guest expert on the Wellpreneur Podcasta podcast for health & wellness business owners.

The lovely Amanda dived deep into some interrogation questions about how I run my business & how I’ve managed to scale it into a multi-million dollar company… and the business lessons anyone can use to grow their own.

We chat about:

  • how I took my business from $30k to $2 Million revenue
  • what needed to change to be able to run a million-dollar biz
  • how I built my biz working 2 hours/day
  • how to get off the ‘working all the time’ treadmill that we can all get into!

Tune in here!

Okay possums! Here’s to a beautiful June ahead!

May your life be joyous & your business abundant,

Big ole love,




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