Hi beautiful souls,
Can you believe it’s already February?
I’m trying to get some solid rest + rejuvenation time in before Grant arrives in Australia (2 weeks away!)
It’s been a huge few months pulling off a million dollar book launch (I’ll share more about that in a coming blog post). And it’s going to be huge as well over Feb… including the biggest event I’ve ever done. We’ll be recording new Academy courses and mapping out all the goodness we plan on sharing with our tribe over the next year. Lots of wonderful projects in the works!
It’s also a big time for us as our sweet elder doggy Charlie nears the end of his life journey. My honey Chris has the gentlest heart (especially when it comes to animals) so he’s feeling it the most. And I get teary thinking about how we got Charlie at the Canberra Pound 12 or so years ago.

He was young. So were we.

He made us a family.

I’ll let you know when things change with him.
In the meantime, he’s in our hearts and minds a lot. Especially now as his elder-dog disabilities and ailments need a lot of nursing.
So… that’s where I’m at…
in a certain still space in my life… looking back at everything that has been… looking forward at what is coming.
So… here’s all the articles we shared in January!

Our Upcoming Business Changes In 2016
There’s a few changes that we are making to the company in 2016.
I thought I’d share about them here.
By the end of December, we started realising the limitations of just me and Grant managing the company.
We’ve grown the company and the team so much that it was taking more and more of our time just to manage it all and keep all the plates spinning. In order for us to go out together to forge new territory, create even more new things and vision the next growth of the company, we needed somebody to take over more of the operations and project management.
Once it was in our heads, we knew just who to call…

Why You Need Systems Even In Your Creative Business [A Guest Post by Grant]
Lily has a little business. Always the creative type, Lily found that the images and letters flowing from her hand caught the eyes of friends and family, who began asking for her hand-written wedding invitations and greeting cards.
This year, a friend told Lily about Leonie. Lily now finds herself at her little desk, in the upstairs of a restored Victorian, flipping through the pages of the 2016 Shining Biz Planner.
It almost seemed like too much, tasking her tiny business with a whole volume of goals and commitments. It was too concrete, in a way. A little too black-and-white for a girl who loves colors. But the book had colors too and after all, there were a few details in her business that needed, well, attending to.
Turning the color-splashed pages of the her Workbook, she stumbles on a word that seems foreign to her hand-drawn, each-one-different world.
“Systems” it said. In big, black letters. Something in Lily recoiled. Hers was a systems-free world. She had left systems for one-of-a-kind. She competed with systems.
Maybe you’re like Lily. You’ve found a niche of un-system in a systems world. You’re a throwback from a different era and you like it that way. Your clients like it that way. It’s working for you.
Or is it? Click here to read why you actually need systems (even for your creative business!)

Want To Be Someone Who Actually Achieves Their Goals This Year? This 1 Tip Can Make All The Difference…
Let’s talk GOALS for a moment, shall we?
It’s the beginning of a new year. The air is ripe with possibilities.
All around us, there is talk of goals and planning and resolutions.
But the fact is this – the vast majority of us will end this year no different than how we began it.
Our dreams still tiny seeds that have not taken root.
And that makes me bloody sad.
Goal-getting + dream-birthing is a LEARNED skill. A pragmatic practice that all too often is not shared, discussed, understood or worked at.
And yet it’s the skills that make all the difference.
So, if you really want your dreams to come true, here’s your three step formula to success!

Ask Leonie: Where Do You Buy Your Hippy Clothes?
If I knew as a teenager that one day someone would ask me for FASHION ADVICE I would have howled with laughter so hard I would have weed a little.
I am the least fashion interested girl I know.
I kind of just glaze over at the idea of shoes and handbags and clothes shopping. That said, I have found my very own specific closet that works for me.
So in the latest edition of Ask Leonie, I answer the question you’ve all been dying to know!

Australian Shining Academy Retreat!
It’s coming, it’s coming! On February 27- 28, my COO-man Grant and I will hosting the Australian Shining Academy Retreat in Canberra, Australia!
In our time together we’ll:
- Dive deep into your business through our 7 Chakra Business Model
- Help you determine exactly what you need to do next to go to the next level
- Premier our new 6i Success Mindset diagnostic tool
- Host hot seat coaching opportunities for you to get advice on your business
- Open the floor to you for Q&A to answer your biggest business questions
- Marketplace for attendees to share their goods with all of our lovely attendees
You’ll be provided delicious lunches + tea, a gorgeous venue, all the business insights you can pack into two days, a private FB group, optional yoga + meditation, fabulous illustrated notes AND you’ll have access to our two incredible guest speakers – our favourite money expert Denise Duffield-Thomas and our favourite kinesiologist Kerry Rowett!
This event is EXCLUSIVE to Academy members. Not a member yet? Sign up here!

What I Have Learned In The Last Year At LDI [A Post By Grant]
Leonie asked me to write a blog post on the things I’ve learned in the last year of working at Leonie Dawson International.
Instead, I called her, and we talked about it.
Join us in this honest conversation from the heart about the sweat, insight, work and tears it’s taken to grow a company from a $1m to $2m company in a year.
We’ll talk the big questions like:
- Are you an Uber Ingrid the Implementor?
- Are you ready to evolve and scale your business?
- Is it time to grow a team beyond your skills?
Analogies, laughs, and some plain old good advice mixed with lots of “Leonie moments”. Don’t miss this episode.

New Academy Release: Grant’s Deep Brewed Life Album
Some of you may already know that Grant Andrew, our Academy co-teacher + COO here, is a gifted singer-songwriter.
In a special licensing deal, the Academy can now offer his album “Deep Brewed Life” for download to all of our Academy members.
This album was originally created from a successful Kickstarter project.
I felt it was important to share his work with you.
For more info + to join the Academy to have exclusive access to this and 60+ other courses, click here!

My 2016 Word Of The Year Painting!
This year as I was filling out the workbooks I decided I wanted to do one of the extension activities in it…to make an artwork for my Word of the Year.
I’ve done this before a couple of times before when I’ve been called.
This year I decided to do another painting to hang in my office. It’s so helpful to have a big painting to remind me of my word of the year.
To see my artwork + to find out my word of the year, click here!

Holy Adorable! Workbook Unboxing Videos From Around The Web!
There have been SO many unboxing videos of the 2016 workbooksand diary-planners springing up all over the web!
Check out the videos here to see what it’s like to get one of those boxes of love in the mail!

Attention All Workbookers! Your Guide To How To Start And Run A Workbook Group Is Hereeeeee!
Goal setting + accomplishing your biggest hopes and dreams isn’t always an easy feat. Life gets in the way. You get sick, work gets hectic, unexpected expenses come up.
It’s just SO easy to put those goals on the back burner and well, give up. Been there, done that.
We all need + deserve support.
We decided to create a fabulous, free guide to help you create your own workbook group!

New Academy Release: Discover Your Life’s Wisdom
We’re rockin’ and rollin’ with new Academy courses coming your way!
This is one hour video is a beautiful, intimate insight into how you can discover the wisdom that exists in your own life story.
There’s a kind of magic of watching a video recording of a live training. There’s an aliveness to it. It’s actually my favourite type of course to learn from.
To read more + to join the Academy if you aren’t already a member, click here!

Are You Too Late?
So I want to do this public service announcement…
Is it TOO LATE to plan for 2016? Shouldn’t I have all my resolutions in place before January 1?
Let me answer this with three words: Absoloodely, 100% NOT.
New Year’s Day is NOT the “Use By Date” for setting resolutions for the new year.
I’ll tell you when it’s too late. It’s when you never begin at all.

Quick But Life-Changing Tip That Will Grow Your Business
I wanted to share with you today a quick but important tip to grow your business…
Guidance that I’ve used to grow my own multi-million dollar a year company and has held me in good stead.
Just a few minutes long so short, sweet + potent.
Dive in to get a business tip that can change your trajectory now.

My Favourite #2016Planners Thus Far!
Gosh I really do love workbook season. I’m like a giddy kid at Christmas seeing all the women using these workbooks + hearing how many miracles they are already making happen just in the span of a month.
And NOPE… it’s definitely NOT too late to start using them. Read on here to find out why.
Anywaysies, it’s always just a joy to see everyone using their workbooks and diaries and sharing about them on social media.
Check out some of my favourite #2016planners here!

Word Of The Year Artwork Inspiration
Creating an artwork to celebrate your theme for the year is one of my most favourite creative side projects in the workbooks (you can see my 2016 word of the year + artwork here!)
I thought it would be fun to see what some other workbook goddesses were doing as their artwork for the year.
I asked workbookers in the 2016 Creating Your Shining Year workbook group to share with me some of theirs!
Hope these inspire you as much as they did for me!

Leonie’s Scrapbook: One Ikea Visit Too Many + Drama Llamas
We’re back with my usual scrapbook of photos + ramblings from the past few weeks.
Workbook launch season is nearing a close + it felt good to take a look back at the whirlwind + madness. Holy bonza balls!
I look forward to sharing our many new and exciting projects that 2016 is bringing!

The Critical Mistake Most Business Owners Make
An illustrated, thoughtful article by our General Manager Grant Andrew on the critical mistakes we see most business owners making (and how to make sure you don’t do it your self!)
What a great start to the new year! Looking forward to a fabulous February – we’ve got so much goodness to share with you!
All my love,

P.S. Darlingheart – what are you waiting for?
The time is ripe and potent. NOW is the time to plan, dream + create your biz + life dreams come true in 2016. Use our powerful, proven + popular planners to get the results you need!
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