Hola gorgeous heart!
What an incredible month!
June was huge huge HUGE! Glorious & beaming!
Here’s the best of June to savour & splash in!

A No-Holds Barred Look Into A Goddess Business
This massive mega post of mine was incredibly popular.
I got *so* many emails from goddesses afterwards for days talking about the aftershocks they were feeling after reading it.
It’s an open-book vision deep into the soul & workings of my business. Read it, soak it up, learn from it – whatever you need to do, dearest.

Top 10 Spiritual Novels
My top sacred novels to bring on the illumination while telling a dang deeeelish story at the same time.
From The Camino to The Red Tent, it’s all here, baybee.
And added bonus: there’s over FIFTY of your suggestions to read through & hastily add to your wishlist too.

How to Create Your Own Damn Miracles: Podcast #3
This kinda struck a couple of buttons for goddesses.
Because here’s the thing:
I steadfastly believe that there’s nothing we can’t change.
Our lives CAN have beauty, love & joy in them. EVEN WHEN we are going through a hard time. EVEN WHEN we don’t know the way. EVEN WHEN we are mamas. Even when.
Oh & if you had problemos downloading it the first time, it’s been updated with a new link to download! YAY!

Holy dingerfest, this was a HUGE post too.
All the photos & deep-heart sharings & laughter from our beautiful wedding.
And pretty much the only time in my life that I’ll be writing My Wedding Post.
So, you know, IMPORTANT!

How to Finish Your Projects.
Taken beneath my blogging fig tree.
This one came as a lightning bolt insight about the natural energy waves of a project
and what you can do to make stuff be finished-famooshed!
The Ancient Rule To Cure Overwhelm.
This one got linked to a bonkers amount too.
This is the one to use whenever you get overwhelmed with All The Stuff that needs to be done!!!

A mega Goddess Inspiration Post. And a second one.
Pooled up with the most scrumptious, inspiring stuff I have discovered around ze place.
And served up.
Just for you.
Bonus: Includes very silly videos. YAY!
Do goddess e-courses in groups!
I also took my creatively-constipated time announcing the next term of course circles at the Goddess Circle.
Starting July 31st, there’s four groups at the Circle doing the e-courses:
- Radiant Goddess e-course: Perfect if you are wanting to stop feeling sluggish in your body & really want to start feeling RADIANT instead!!!
- Creative Goddess e-course: If you’re ahankering to get more creative, this course is bloody awesome. Also the perfect “Beginner” Goddess course & my most super popular one.
- Creating Your Goddess Haven e-course: Declutter & decorate & make divine your house. Make it a sanctuary, ya know? Also includes brilliant space clearing tips.
- Business Goddess e-course: If you’re wanting to start your own creative/spiritual business, or really grow & build the one you already have, this e-course is a HUGE boost of marketing mojo & business smarts & tons of actionable stuff to DO RIGHT NOW.
To join in, just become a Goddess Circle member.

Goddess in 10 Minutes Kit
I also launched the new FREEE Goddess in 10 Minutes kit.
Holy dinking delicious, batman!
really wanted to create a powerful toolkit that you can use ANYTIME you need to feel like a Goddess again. Anytime you feel lost, dishevelled, bummed, bored or broken. And hey! anytime you feel glad, groovy and good too! I’m pretty sure it will always just improve things no matter what!
Bookmark it. Go back to it. Use it every ding dang day if you need to.
Whatever you need to do to feel like a Goddess again.

GoddessGuideBook.com makeover!!!
Come see! It’s shiny & new!
Especially check out:
- the new Free Goodies page!
- the new Goddess Shop
- the delish new Goddess Guidebook Facebook page as well!!!!
So, after putting this compendium of an Epic June here at GoddessGuideBook, me thinks I’ve just discovered why I’m feeling a wee bit tired right now & have been going to dreaming land at 7pm!!!
Dear June,
And I love you with all my heart,

What’s next?
Holy guacamole, what’s NOT next?
What you can expect this month!
My brain is feeling a wee bit sozzled, so here’s the bullet points:
- I’ll be announcing my next big massive huge thang (the biggest project I’ve ever undertaken)… it also happens to be FREE. Get ready to wet yourself! Weeeooooo!
- I’m working with some spectacular people to help bring the new huge incarnation of this gorgeous goddess business of mine in. Marvellous Marissa Bracke is being the bestest right-hand gal & support faerie, Sara from Soul Spackle is helping me keep on top of all thangs Twitter-tastic & I’m so excited to be working with the lovely Alexandra Unicorn Franzen to bring even more clarity & sparkliness to this them there website.

- Important garden update: beans are doing ridunkulously well. If Ostara goes missing, it’s really easy to find her: she’s gone running out into the backyard with Charlie to go harvest & eat every bean in sight. Also: my first batch of cauliflowers is sprouting wildly. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THIS CAULIFLOWER? Answer: eat it.
- I’m kind of on Tumblr. But it’s mostly just mini pics & links. But I love it anyway.
- My goal is this: to be SO HUUUUUGE that every woman wherever she lives can find this beautiful goddess work whenever she needs it. I also call this the I Want My Sacred Crap In Big W dream.

- Yup. She’s pretty much getting cuter & cuter everyday. Most weekends, there will be an hour or two of naked baby painting on the verandah.
- I am migrating all my email lists over to Infusionsoft so I can finally start getting a wee bit smarter about how I send out automatic emails to my beautiful goddess tribe. They are way more expensive than I am used to paying, but it feels like that’s what my business needs next. It’s got a whole bundle of helpful tools including a built-in customer management system which I don’t have at the moment. With over 1050 Goddess Circle members, plus the 2000 or so who buy the 2011 Workbook & Calendar, plus a heap more private clients, I want to make sure I actually have a really beautiful system to keep connecting with them. To be honest, it feels like less of a total brain decision & more of an intuitive one of what my business is needing at this point in its evolution. Everything I’ve done up until this point (including the old manual spreadsheet of emails, then migrating to Aweber) has been what I needed then. And now it’s time for the next evolution.
- I’m going to my nephew’s Knights & Princesses party on Sunday & I’ve been excited about it for WEEKS. And then my niece’s Zoo party the weekend after. YAHOOOOOO! Kid’s parties are pretty much my idea of social heaven. I think I’m a 5 year old stuck in a 28 year old body.

Where we’ve been.
Where we’re going.
And all the ridunkulous miracles we’re creating together along the way.
Life. It’s pretty much the BEST THING EVER.
love forever + ever + big + HUGE!!!!