
Yay! Welcome back to my monthly tradition where I review my life & business & share behind-the-scenes numbers as well.

I’ll cover:

  • life blessings & challenges
  • what I’ve created in my business
  • how much revenue generated
  • my goals for next month.

You can read previous monthly reviews here:



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How I went with my goals for the month


  • Stay sane hooray! – YAY! WE DID IT!
  • Finish unpacking. – There’s still a few boxes left for Chris’ office, and we’re still not fully organised, but we’re 90% there.
  • Re-install good habits. – On track


  • Decide on what to do next! – Decided. Ran a sale.
  • Get back on track with my usual business habits. – Slowly happening… mostly just enjoyed having my kids home for three weeks!
  • Keep encouraging my incubator clients. – YAY! DONE!

What I got up to in life!

Well babes, June was a wildly full & social month for me. Hold tight while we go on a wee adventure!

  • We moved into our new home 3 days before the start of June, so our month was really spent unpacking and getting settled. We are still completely in love with our new house, and SO glad we made the move! It’s a very cosy and comfortable home, and we feel at ease here.
  • My kids finished up their school term. My eldest performed a song at their end of term concert, I was SO HAPPY for her! Sometimes she feels performance anxiety, and she was SO confident and brave!
  • We celebrated the end of school term by descending upon the local crepe store with 12 kids and 6 mums. It was great fun! Then me & other mums traded off kids for the rest of the day so we could attend parent-teacher conferences. Mine went to the river with friends while I talked to their teachers, then I took one of their friends home. Teacher conferences were so awesome and positive which is lovely. I’m so proud of how empathetic and hard working my wee mermaids are.
  • We had three weeks of school holidays. We originally thought we’d be excitable and go on great adventures, then realised that the kids (and us) needed some solid home time to feel grounded in their new space. So that’s what we did, and it was a joy.
  • We planted out a herb patch. My kids spent endless hours out on the street playing with the neighbours. We had lunch at the beach with the kids. We almost died laughing playing “Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition”.
  • I also accidentally ended up at some kind of concert? Dance? World Earth Day? I don’t know, but there was a lot of middle aged hippies dancing barefoot in the park.
  • I got a couple of hour long reflexology sessions to help my feet and body cope with moving aches.
  • We got our old acreage house painted and pressure washed and cleaned and styled, ready to go on the market.
  • I went to a full moon 5Rhythms dance, but had to leave after twenty minutes because it was too much of a sensory overload for my Autistic senses. Instead I got myself a “smoothie” from Macca’s and went to the beach and watched the moon on the waves and it was deadset magical. Also, if you’re wondering what the “smoothie” was – it was an Oreo McFlurry with caramel fudge. It was thick like a smoothie, and it also had chunky bits, and I could have eaten it with a spoon OR a straw. SO… technically, a smoothie, and I cannot be dissuaded otherwise. You’re welcome.
  • Our dear friend Rikki came to visit. We’ve been friends for… 20 years? We met online on SARK’s Marvellous Message Board in the early 2000s, and have been online friends, penpals, real life friends, and almost related in a hilarious and bizarre way. We haven’t been able to see her during the pandemic and it was SO good to see her again.
  • Had therapy. It was most excellent.
  • My 12yo started her own Wreck This Journal, and it thrilled me. I remember doing it when it first came out in 2007… I followed Keri Smith’s blog back in 2004. I’m like a tween trendsetter decades before my time! Hahahah!
  • We had Chris’ parents come over for lunch and morning tea quite a few times, including an enormous Christmas in July BBQ bonanza. It’s bloody lovely having them live just down the road now!
  • I took the kids to the movies with their girlfriends to watch Minions. I fucking hate watching 99% of all movies, so I read most of “Free To Focus” by Michael Hyatt on the Kindle app on my phone during it.

I think that’s about it! Enormously busy, really! And that’s on top of moving!

Best Books

What I did in my business!

June was filled with:

  • I got to hang out face-to-face with one of my Incubator coaching clients, the extraordinarily talented Cass Deller. I loves her!
  • I went to dinner with a gaggle of other local business goddesses. We had the BEST TIME… my face hurt from laughing so much! I adored hanging out with Tash Corbin, Amanda Rootsey, Cass Deller, Claire Riley and Brigit Esselmont. Can’t wait for the next one! Look at me NAME DROPPING like a glamorous motherfucker. Am I…. am I posh now?
  • I crashed got invited as a “special guest” to Tash and Claire’s Finish Fest retreat picnic. Luxury picnic? On the river? At sunset? With adorable humans? COUNT ME THE FUCK IN. I’d say it was networking at it’s finest IF I was the kind to use the word networking. But I’m not. So instead I’ll say I gently rubbed my nub upon other nubbly bumbs and it was glorrrrrrrrious.
  • I did weekly Sales Star calls.
  • I did our usual monthly group coaching calls for all e-course students.
  • I did a coaching call with my small group of Incubator coaching clients.
  • We ran a 3 day sale.

That’s a whole lot of socialising and coaching calls I don’t ordinarily do!

Blog posts I published


Current list of software I use to run my business:

  • Kajabi for most things in my business:
    • selling through their shopping cart
    • teaching my courses through their learning management system
    • running my affiliate program
  • ActiveCampaign to send all our marketing emails.
  • Optin Monster to create all the pop-ups, reminder windows & lead magnet forms on my website.
  • Calendly to screen interviewers and book in interviews.
  • Xero is my accounting & financial management system.
  • I host my WordPress websites on WPEngine.

More tools of the trade here if you find that kind of thing useful!

How much money I made


Where that income came from:

  • E-courses: $68,916
  • Goal Getter planners (digital): $371
  • Goal Getter planners (print royalties): $256
  • Passive income business: $7,150
    I set up this business 6 years ago, worked on it actively for a couple of years, and now it’s income that is 100% passive.
  • Shares & Ethical Managed Funds: No increase.
  • Investment property: Now converted to a family property for in-laws.
  • Affiliate for Kajabi: $1500
  • Calm Christmas Planner on Etsy: $24
  • Grants: $1374
    For an Export Market Development Grant.
  • Cashback: $207
    We pay for all our life & business expenses on awards credit cards that we pay off in full each month before interest is charged. And then we take the awards as cashback. Basically – we get money back for money we have spent. Free money! (As long as you pay it off religiously however!)
  • Honey: $10 giftcard
    I use the free Honey plugin to search for coupons and discounts whenever I’m buying online. It works a charm and I save money – sometimes $25+ in a single purchase. AND I also get awards for using it, that I then cash out as an Amazon giftcard. Free money!
  • Upstreet: Currently at $17.03.
    Upstreet is another free app that gives me fractional shares when I purchase with participating companies. I was getting meal delivery with Marley Spoon, so I earned $17 in Marley Spoon shares! It’s pretty fun really… especially when it’s free money!

E-course income breakdown:

  1. 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course: $17,515
  2. Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income: $13,650
  3. Sales Star: $12,896
  4. 40 Days To A Finished Book: $7,858
  5. Marketing Without Social Media: $3,820
  6. Work Less, Earn More: $1,090
  7. Get Organised!: $436
  8. Mini workshop: Behind The Scenes of A Multi-Millionaire’s Finances: $200



Due to popular request, I’m going to include expenses for the business as well to give you an even more transparent look at profitability.

  • Contractors: $5,759
    This is for 1 part time Customer Service Virtual Assistant and 1 part time Online Business Manager. This is probably on the higher side for pricing, but I don’t mind paying more for people who I trust and have a long term working relationship with. I want them to feel appreciated, and I want them to be able to live good lives.
  • Affiliates: $7,200
  • Paypal & account fees: $1,133
  • Accounting: $3,000
  • Software subscriptions for everything we use to run our business online (see full list further below): $2235
  • Website hosting: $98
  • Courses & books (for me & my staff to learn from, we are continuously learning): $1,000
  • Minimum purchase order to qualify for my passive income business income: $150

Total expenses this month: $20,575

Profit levels!

Total profit: $59,250 (before tax)

That’s approx 75% profit EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes).

From that profit, my husband and I take salaries (that we then pay personal tax on) and pay compulsory superannuation (contributions to retirement funds).

The rest of the profit stays in the holding company, and regularly gets invested in ethical managed funds. If you want more details on how we manage and grow our income streams, Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income is the course for you!

Goals for next month

To be honest, I’m not going to set goals for July. I’m just going to trust myself and follow my flow! HOORAY!

It’s a joy to be here!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
