Pooky bears,

This month I committed to blogging every day in April. We’re nearly at the end, and I’m stunned at how much I’ve been able to create.

So much in fact, you might have missed some.

So I thought I’d make you a helpful wee roundup of all the things I’ve made so you can find what you’ve missed.

  1. I’ve got an Open Office Party this week – come, ask me questions, laugh yourself silly and win prizes!
  2. The long ass blog post where I record a day in my life.
  3. Blog post: My next 21 day challenge
  4. Blog post: On deciding to take on healthier habits
  5. The podcast episode where I admit my most embarrassing (and hilarious) mistake
  6. Tools of the trade – all the tech, software & art supplies I use in my business
  7. I killed off $4,000 in expenses
  8. Me & my assistant Zita did a podcast episode just to emotionally process about our favourite TV shows
  9. A collage of some of the books my students have written
  10. A scrapbook of the things that have inspired me
  11. 17 days of meditating.
  12. Notes on meditating.
  13. Free mini video training & illustrated e-book: 15 Reasons To Create An E-Course Now!
  14. Free poster: Affirmations To Make Your Soul Glow
  15. The one where I discuss Frugality Vs Self Care
  16. My new favourite investment: Mutual Funds
  17. My favourite female Autism resources, books & checklists
  18. Great graphic novels for tween girls
  19. A day in emergency
  20. Behind the scenes of a business photoshoot (& how I cope with with Autism & work)
  21. Taking Stock in April
  22. I was interviewed on the Queen of My Day podcast!
  23. I was interviewed on the Align & Attract podcast!
  24. Free poster: What Helps With Autism
  25. Blog post: Offline is the new luxury

I’ve still got to write about a bunch more things, including sharing the results of my 21 day meditation challenge & what challenge I am doing next.

Here’s to blogging, glorious blogging.

Big love,