New beloved tshirt from Snag Tights
Yay! Welcome back to my monthly tradition where I review my life & business & share behind-the-scenes numbers as well.
This one is late due to a cacophony of WTAF, which I’ll share more about below.
I’ll cover:
- life blessings & challenges
- what I’ve created in my business
- how much revenue generated
- my goals for next month.
You can read previous monthly reviews here:
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Here’s the snazzy breakdown:
- Leonie’s life updates, including house renovation and family dynamics. [1:05]
- Leonie’s experiences with medically prescribed CBD oil for anxiety and pain management. [1:54]
- The CBD Oil Experience and how it’s impacted on Leonie’s Anxiety and Autism [7:35]
- Personal Updates and Recommendations [14:03]
- Leonie’s Monthly Business Review and Income Breakdown [18:38]
- Recommendations for books, TV shows, and personal projects.
Business achievements and financial performance for May.
- Financial Overview and Community Contributions [21:15]

How I went with my goals for the month
- New house renovation – DONE. I am so so so so so so glad we did it!
- Move in – DONE. What a dream come true!
- Prep new house for sale – DONE. It was a mammoth effort, but we’re just about to list!
- Stay sane – DONE. Thanks to my bestie, my husband & my therapist. Team work makes the dream work!
- Also, don’t fuck up my back – DONE. Thanks to the help of my osteopath & pilates instructor.
- Or my nervous system – DONE. Thanks medically prescribed CBD oil! (more about that soon)
- Work with my Incubator coaching clients – DONE!
- Get Organised completed, launched & put to bed – DONE!
- Weekly newsletters. – Mostly done!

What I got up to in life!
Gosh, where do I start. May was an intense and transformative month for us.
- We packed up our acreage home (I made the mistake of packing everything myself like a straight up eeeedjit!)
- We got flooded in AGAIN. The bridge near our acreage house went under, so we went on a rescue mission to get the kids from school. I’m thrilled to be living in a place that doesn’t get flooded in. There’s been times when our school run is 4+ hours a day because we’ve had to take flooding detours. We started feeling a bit nutty.
- We settled on our new home near the beach, and had renovations done (new wood hybrid flooring & wallpaper removed).
- We moved into our new home. There’s still a lot of boxes to unpack still, but overall we’re fucking delighted!
- We started prepping the acreage for sale (gardeners, painters, cleaners, stylist etc).
- We moved my in-laws into our investment property so we could spend more time together & look after them better. (Our new home is only 4 minutes from their new home now! Instead of 2 hours!)
- On top of all this… while I was sitting on the front lawn of our new house waiting for the removalists truck, I got The Phonecall. You know the one. The one that makes your heart drop and world begin to spin. One of my closest family members has been diagnosed with cancer. It’s not me or my husband or kids – I’d be catatonic if this was the case. It’s still bloody heart-wrenching though. I don’t really wish to share details, as it’s not my story to tell. I just feel like I’m wandering around with an enormous, invisible load.
- All up, it’s a case of life being brutiful, as Glennon Doyle would say. One part brutal, the other part beautiful.

New house
I just want to add here – I fucking LOVE our new house. I haven’t been in love with a house since we lived in Kuranda. I’m just thrilled to bits. We’ve only moved 30 minutes south of where we were, so we haven’t had to change schools, doctors, post boxes or anything like that. We just get to be closer to things!
And even though we moved from an acreage back into suburbia, our kids are outside playing more than ever. We live on a cul-de-sac and it’s like we’ve been transported back in time to the 1970s. There’s lots of kids on our street, and they play out there constantly! My kids have already made friends with the other kids, and they are often out there playing hopscotch or handball or riding scooters or drawing with chalk until I call them in for teatime. We’ve also met almost all our neighbours now, and they are super friendly and lovely. This street even has its own Christmas party each year! Ha! We’ve never experienced such a communal street before! WOT IN THE RETRO FUCK IS THIS! It’s such a gorgeous and unexpected blessing.
Before we left the acreage, we talked about what we’d miss the most. My husband said he would miss the birds in the backyard, and that he hoped a butcher bird that we called “Mr Clippy” would come find us. The first weekend we were here, we sat on the verandah with his parents, and a butcher bird came and sat on his mum’s chair next to her! We were all cooing “MR CLIPPY! YOU FOUND US!”
It’s such a blessing to be near the beach again, closer to friends and much less travel distance to everything!

My experiments with CBD oil
So, I wanted to share a bit more intensively about my experiment with CBD oil.
I’ve been testing medically prescribed CBD oil for few months now to treat my anxiety levels and pain from hypermobility.
I’ve only used cannabis once before (with THC), and it made me hyperactive and non-verbal. I’ve never used illegal substances outside of that, and didn’t have any desire to. I felt like my brain chemistry was wild and magical and sensitive enough without me fucking with it! Ha!
A hypermobile friend mentioned to me a year or so ago that they used CBD oil for pain levels. I sat with it for a long while, and decided I may as well try it. Because I’m very much a rule-follower, I wanted to get it medically prescribed. I did a telehealth appointment with a nurse and a GP through Montu.
I decided to start off by only trying CBD oil (without THC – the psychoactive component).
I’ll be honest – the first time I took it, I felt absolutely… N O T H I N G. I didn’t feel more relaxed, sleepy or any other mood change. I was so unimpressed I didn’t have any more for a couple of weeks when I decided since I’d paid for the bottles, I might try some consistent treatment to at least use up the bottles. And what I discovered was that with the consistent use, it had a cumulative effect which was subtle and yet life changing. Trying hard not to sound like a wanker here, so stay with me! Bahahaha!
Here’s how it makes a difference:
- Most significantly, it reduces the impact of my Autism. A big day out with a lot of stimulation would usually take me at least 3 days to recover from. My head pounds, my thoughts race, my anxiety accelerates, my skin feels like it’s on fire. Now if I get a decent sleep that night, I’m fine the next day. I still need to monitor how much I schedule into my calendar of course, but the Autistic shutdowns are far less severe. It feels like I have a cushioning in my life that I didn’t have before.
- After the month of intensity in May with moving and big life styff, I would fully expect to be Enormously Fucked Up both physically and mentally. I’m not though – I’m tired but not fucked. That’s enormous.
- Breakthrough anxiety occurs much less.
- I am doing less emotional eating.
I’m still using my anti-depressants. At some point I may be able to reduce my dosage because my anxiety is managed. Apparently a lot of CBD patients can eventually go off them completely. I’m reticent to go completely off them however because they also serve as a preventative buffer for depressive episodes for me. Depression is a significantly occurring mental health condition in my family so I know I’m genetically predisposed. The last two episodes I had (a few months ago & a few years ago) were difficult enough that I don’t want to go anywhere near one again.
Anyways, so I’m thrilled that I’ve tried out CBD oil. I genuinely can’t imagine having to go through life raw dogging it without CBD oil! Bahahahahaha!

Collage Portraits
In May I needed something to use as stress relief during our move… so I started making collage portraits of friends using my digital illustration setup.
I’m so in love with them!

My darling friend/adopted English niece Katie Draws

My darling mate Lena. We’ve been best mates since high school!

Bilvy, my handsome adopted nephew & talented comic artist!

My dynamo friend Tina Tower. Please note, I am incapable of calling her Tina. It MUST be Tina Tower in full! Bahahahah!

My mate Ariel Meadow Stallings. I’ve only been reading her blogs for oh… nearly two decades now?

The woman, the myth, the legend :: DDT! We’ve been mates for over a decade now!

Who is the president of the Lizzy Goddard fan club? THIS BISH IS!

The absolute darling Tash Corbin. I used to just crush on her online but now we are REAL LIFE FRIENDS who live near each other and go to dinner and talk shit in person and stuff!
Gosh I have hot and smart and talented friends. I’m a lucky lucky ducky!
Best Books
- The Life-Changing Magic of a Little Bit of Mess by Kerri Sackville
I love a good “fuck cleaning!” book. Bahahahahah! - Strap on a Pair: A Middle-Aged, Middle-Management, Middle-Class Moms Quest for Something More by Abby Lou Walker
Love this business memoir by my mate Abby from Vivian Lou. - Century Girl: 100 Years in the Life of Doris Eaton Travis, Last Living Star of the Ziegfeld Follies by Lauren Redniss
Scrumptious scrapbook style memoir. The visuals were divine! - They Called Us Enemy by George Takei
Graphic novel on George Takei’s childhood. I had no idea about that part in history where in the US, they arrested Japanese-American residents and put them in concentration camps for years!
Best TV
- Me & my love have been continuing to treat ourselves to daytime viewings of Dead Pixels. Hot damn it is fucking FUNNY.
- Me, he & ze kids have been studiously watching Ryan Trahan’s Youtube series each night about crossing the US on a penny. Ryan is 10/10 adorable.

What I did in my business!
May was filled with:
- Finishing Get Organised course
- Launching a live round of Sales Star
- Coaching my small group of mentorees on their business
- Created a free monthly business plan template
Blog posts I published
- 41 Magical & Inspiring Things I’ve Found On The Web Of Late!
- Your FREE Monthly Business Plan
- Ready to master your sales and make BIG bucks?
- The Rach Active Podcast
- The Planner Craft Pro Summit
- Master of None with Cheryl Woodhouse
- Marketing Without Social Media with Viv Guy
Current list of software I use to run my business:
- Kajabi for most things in my business:
- selling through their shopping cart
- teaching my courses through their learning management system
- running my affiliate program
- ActiveCampaign to send all our marketing emails.
- Optin Monster to create all the pop-ups, reminder windows & lead magnet forms on my website.
- Calendly to screen interviewers and book in interviews.
- Xero is my accounting & financial management system.
- I host my WordPress websites on WPEngine.
More tools of the trade here if you find that kind of thing useful!
How much money I made
Where that income came from:
- E-courses: $82,657
- Goal Getter planners (digital): $455
- Goal Getter planners (print royalties): $223
- Passive income business: $7,039
- Shares & Ethical Managed Funds: No increase.
- Investment property: Now converted to a family property for in-laws.
- Affiliate for Kajabi: $670
- Calm Christmas Planner on Etsy: $0
E-course income breakdown:
- Marketing Without Social Media: $3,833
- 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course: $4,703
- Work Less, Earn More: $842
- Sales Star: $45,052
- Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income: $2,435
- 40 Days To A Finished Book: $357
- Mini workshop: Behind The Scenes of A Multi-Millionaire’s Finances: $123
- Get Organised!: $12,266

Due to popular request, I’m going to include expenses for the business as well to give you an even more transparent look at profitability.
- Contractors: $5,759
This is for 1 part time Customer Service Virtual Assistant and 1 part time Online Business Manager. This is probably on the higher side for pricing, but I don’t mind paying more for people who I trust and have a long term working relationship with. I want them to feel appreciated, and I want them to be able to live good lives. - Donation: $7,500
Thrilled to share we were able to give $7,500 to local Indigenous organisation SevGen to help them establish their bush tucker orchard. That donation covers about 3-4 months of our usual giving. - Business tax paid: $31,830 (much larger yearly tax bill – not just our usual monthly tax)
- Affiliates: $7,200
- Paypal & account fees: $2,680
- Software subscriptions for everything we use to run our business online (see full list further below): $3832
- Website hosting: $98
- Courses & books (for me & my staff to learn from, we are continuously learning): $2932
- Minimum purchase order to qualify for my passive income business income: $150
Total expenses this month: $61,981.
Much higher than usual – half of it is to pay annual tax due. And of course the $7.5k donation, which we were stoked to do!

Profit levels!
Total profit: $59,993 (before tax)
$29,063 (after tax)
That’s approx 65% profit EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) and 31% profit earnings after tax (EAT). Not as high as usual, but totes happy to pay taxes & donate so much!
From that profit, my husband and I take salaries (that we then pay personal tax on) and pay compulsory superannuation (contributions to retirement funds).
The rest of the profit stays in the holding company, and regularly gets invested in ethical managed funds. If you want more details on how we manage and grow our income streams, Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income is the course for you!
Goals for next month
- Stay sane hooray!
- Finish unpacking.
- Re-install good habits.
- Decide on what to do next!
- Get back on track with my usual business habits.
- Keep encouraging my incubator clients.
It’s a joy to be here!
Transcripts Time!
0:01 – Leonie Dawson
La, la, la, Leonie Dawson refuses to be categorized. Categorized. Babushkas, today I wanted to take you through a bit of a May 22 Biz and Life review. I’ve been doing these where I share behind the scenes numbers and life blessings, challenges, what I’ve created in my business, how much revenue I generated, my expenses, my goals for the next month, all that kind of stuff. And if you want to see the companion pictures, you can go to leoniedawson.com forward slash May 22. That’s what we’re going with. 22 is too difficult to say, because I want to say 2022, but it’s not. It’s just 22. I’m glad we got that cleared up. Sweet Jesus. I thought I’d do a check-in with like how I went with my goals for the month as well that I set the month before. So in life, I wanted to get a new house renovation done. We did that. I’m so glad we did it. It was like kind of overwhelming. We haven’t really done that sort of renovation before. And it felt like beyond our skillset, but we did it. And I’m so thrilled that we did, because it looks stunning. Move in, we did.
1:25 – Unidentified Speaker
such a blessing to be here.
1:28 – Leonie Dawson
Then my other goal was to prep new house for sale. Done. Mammoth effort, but it’s just about to list.
1:35 – Unidentified Speaker
My other goal was to stay sane.
1:37 – Leonie Dawson
Done. Thanks to my bestie, my husband, my best friend, because teamwork makes the dream work. Also, don’t fuck up my back. Did. Nailed it. Thanks to the help of my osteopath and Pilates instructor. And don’t fuck up my nervous system. And done. Thank you. Medically prescribed CBD oil. I’ll talk more about that in detail in a second. In my business, my three main goals were to work with my incubator coaching clients, to have the Get Organized course completed, launched, put to bed, all that kind of stuff, and weekly newsletters. And those were mostly done. So what I got up to in life, like I’m not really even sure where to start because May was really intense and trans formative for us. So we packed up our acreage home. I made the mistake of packing everything myself like a straight-up idiot. We got flooded in again at the acreage house and the bridge near our acreage house went under so we went on this kind of rescue mission to get the kids from school. I’m thrilled to now be living in a place that won’t get flooded in. We didn’t get flooding in our house, think fuck, but it was just like the difficulty of constantly having, well, not constant, but fairly regularly having floods or issues. And there’s been times when our school run is four, five hours a day because we have to take flooding detours. And we started feeling a little bit nutty, of course.
3:06 – Unidentified Speaker
We settled on our new home near the beach. We had our renovations done.
3:11 – Leonie Dawson
We got new wood flooring and wallpaper removed as well. We moved into the new house. There’s still lots of boxes to unpack but overall we’re fucking delighted. The acreage started going up for sale so we got in gardeners, painters, cleaners, stylists etc. We moved my parents-in-law into our investment property so we could spend more time with them and look after them better than what we’ve been able to do. Our new home is now like four minutes from their new home now instead of two hours so what a joy. On top of all this Yes, while I was sitting on the front lawn of our new house waiting for removalist truck, I got the phone call. You know that one, like the one that just makes your heart drop and your world begin to spin? And one of my closest family members has been diagnosed with cancer. It’s not me or my husband or my kids. I’d be fucking catatonic if that was the case. It’s still bloody heart-wrenching though and I can’t really share details as it’s not my story to tell and they want, you know, privacy of their own, of course. I just feel like I’m wandering around with this just enormous invisible load on top of it. So it’s all colors of the rainbow this month, just work and joy and difficulty and those fucked up life situations of, you know, You know what I mean? Anyway, it’s definitely a case of life being brutal, as Glennon Doyle would say. It’s one part brutal and the other part beautiful. So, I want to talk a little bit more about our new house, because I fucking love our new house. I haven’t been in love with a house since we lived in Karanda seven years ago. I’m just thrilled to bits, honestly. We only moved like 30 minutes south of the acreage. We haven’t had to change schools, doctors, post boxes or anything like that. We just get to be closer to things. And even though we moved back from an acreage back into suburbia, our kids are outside playing more than ever because we live on a cul-de-sac and it’s like we’ve been transported back in time to the 1970s. There’s like lots of kids on the street, they play out there constantly. My kids have already made friends with the other kids and they’re often out there playing hopscotch or handball or riding scooters. Or drawing with chalk until I call them in at sunset because it’s gotten too dark and even then they start arguing. The sky’s still somewhat blue. We’ve also met almost all our neighbours now and they are super friendly and lovely. This street even has its own Christmas party each year.
6:00 – Unidentified Speaker
We’ve never experienced such a communal street before, like what in the retro fuck is this?
6:06 – Leonie Dawson
But it is just such a gorgeous just an unexpected blessing. I remember like before we left the acreage, we talked about what we were going to like miss the most. And my husband said he would miss the birds in our backyard and that he hoped a butcher bird that we would always call Mr. Clippy would come and find us. And the first weekend we were here, we were sitting on the veranda with his parents and a butcher bird came and sat on his mom’s chair right next to her. And we’re all like, oh my God, Mr. Clippy, you’re found! So that’s really bloody cute. Overall really like it’s just such a blessing to be near the beach again closer to friends closer to family and much less travel distance to everything. This morning we went to our favorite library which is like five minutes from here and then we went and got our favorite food from our favorite cafe and then we went and sat in the park overlooking the ocean and it was just so beautiful and kids were playing and just having the best time. And then I went and took my eldest kid to a clothing shop that I thought she would really like and she was just instantly in love and then we ran into one of our friends that I haven’t seen in years. They’re like probably three years since I’ve seen her last and it’s kind of just been happening. So constantly since we’ve moved back here we just run into friends all the time even though like where we were in the acreage was like a similar like distance to stuff I don’t know it just seems like more communal here somehow anyway so beautiful my heart’s very full I’m very fucking grateful next up I thought I would share my experiments with CBD oil and share like the details about that so So I’ve been testing medically prescribed CBD oil for a few months now to treat my anxiety levels and pain from having hypermobility. I’ve only taken cannabis once before, a fairly short time ago, and that of course has THC in it, and it made me hyperactive, completely non-verbal. I didn’t enjoy it. I’ve never used illegal substances outside of that. I didn’t have any desire to, and even after having cannabis once before, I didn’t have to do it again. I was like, I just feel like my brain chemistry is kind of wild and magical and sensitive enough without me fucking with it. Interestingly, like one of my neurodiverse friends said that there’s some research that shows that drugs work very differently on autistic brains.
8:54 – Unidentified Speaker
So when one person feels very relaxed on something, a neurodiverse person will likely have the opposite effect.
9:01 – Leonie Dawson
Anyway so I wasn’t really interested in taking any cannabis or anything like that again but a hypermobile friend mentioned to me that they used CBD oil for pain levels so I sat with it for a long time and I decided I may as well try it because I’m and because I’m a very much a rule follower I wanted to get it medically prescribed so I did a telehealth appointment with a registered nurse and a GP through Montu which is m-o-n-t-u dot com dot au. That was pretty easy to like get that set up and then I had to wait for the appointments and for then the prescription to be approved but it was pretty seamless and I decided to start off by only trying CBD oil without THC like the psychoactive component And I’ll be honest, like the first time I took it, I felt absolutely nothing. I didn’t feel more relaxed, sleepy, or any other mood change. And I was so impressed that I didn’t actually even have any more for a couple of weeks. When I decided like, you know, since I was paid for the bottles, which are quite expensive, I might try some consistent treatment to at least use up the bottles. And what I discovered was that with consistent use, it had this very cumulative effect, which was subtle and yet completely fucking life-changing and like I get that’s gonna make me sound like an absolute wanker so try and stay with me I’ll try and explain from a more practical level so more significantly for me it reduces the impact of my autism so for example a big day out with a lot of stimulation would usually take me at least three days to recover from like my senses so overstimulated my head pounds my thoughts race and anxiety accelerates, my skin feels like it’s on fire, my brain feels like it’s on fire. It’s like, you know, like when a computer is trying to process too much stuff at once and it heats up and starts to fuck up. That’s me. That’s me when I’ve taken too much in. And it actually feels physically painful. And when it’s really, really significant, I lose the capacity I’ve become nonverbal. So I’m very aware of how much I need to monitor my intake of stimulation. However, now that I’m on CBD, if I get a decent sleep that night after a big day out, I’m pretty much fine the next day, which is fucking gobsmacking. I still need to monitor how much I schedule into my calendar of course but the autistic shutdowns are far less severe and it feels like I’ve kind of got this cushioning in my life that I just did not have whatsoever before. After like the month of intensity in May with moving and the big life stuff and all that stuff I would fully expect to be enormously fucked up both physically and mentally and I’m just I’m not though I’m tired but I’m not fucked and that’s enormous for me. Also just on a daily basis breakthrough anxiety occurs much less and I’m doing less emotional eating it feels like something good is happening in my brain like it’s lubricating my brain somehow and that’s lovely that’s really lovely and that’s just like basic bitch CBD oil without the THC so like there’s no like you don’t get high you get nothing some I think neurotypical people people probably find it relaxing. I don’t notice any relaxing benefits to it whatsoever, but I definitely noticed like the significance in less autism intensity. Now, I do wanna like, to be clear, I am still using my antidepressants. At some point, I might be able to reduce my dosage because my anxiety levels are managed. And apparently a lot of CBD patients can eventually go off them completely depending or what they have. I for mine, I’m not, I’m reticent to go completely off them because they also serve as a preventative buffer for depressive episodes for me. Depression is a significantly occurring mental health condition in my family. So I know I’m genetically predisposed and the last two episodes, depressive episodes I’ve had, which was a few months ago and a few years ago, like they were difficult enough that I don’t want to go anywhere near one again. So for me, I’m very happy to stay on meds and CBD. I’m just so fucking thrilled, honestly, that I tried out CBD oil. I genuinely can’t imagine having to go through life raw doggin’ it without CBD oil. As the young ones would say, raw doggin’ it. Good times, good times. In May, I also needed something to use as stress relief during my moves so I started making like digital collage portraits of some of my friends using my digital illustration setup. I am so fucking in love with them. If you want to go see them go over to leoniedawson.com forward slash May 22 and you will find pictures of some of my darlingest friends and some of my business friends as well like Tina Tower and Ariel Meadows Starlings and DDT and Lizzie Goddard and Natasha Corbin and I’ve just got such awesome friends. Also I do want to like name drop that like me and Tash Corbin like we’ve been online mates for quite a while but now we’re actual like real life friends who live near each other and go to dinner and talk shit in person and stuff like I fucking love that chick. I fucking love her so much. She’s just the bomb.com if you love Tash I just want you to know she’s even more incredible in person. I’m a massive fangirl. I’m a friend, but fucking fangirl. Okay, in terms of books, my five, no, four favorites from May were The Life-Changing Magic of a Little Bit of Mess by Kerry Sackville. I just love a good fuck-cleaning book. It’s really inspiring, honestly. One of my mates, Abby from Vivian Lou, which is like this They do insoles for high heels. I’ll never need them, but if you’re somebody who wears high heels, like fucking like aero design shit to make you be able to wear high heels for longer. Maybe she should make insoles for people to be able to just go barefoot for longer. Bit of arch support, you know what I mean?
15:57 – Unidentified Speaker
Anyway, she wrote a great book.
15:59 – Leonie Dawson
It’s just a business memoir called Strap on a Pair by Abby Lou Walker. Love it. You can find it on Kindle Unlimited or like all the places, but she is golden. I also really loved this kind of wild scrapbook style memoir called Century Girl. It wasn’t a memoir, it was a biography. Yeah, because it wasn’t about, okay, it was about somebody else. It wasn’t the person who drew it, but it’s pretty awesome. So it’s called Century Girl, a hundred years in the life of Doris Eaton Travis, the last living star of the Ziegfeld Folly. By Lauren Redness and basically it’s taking you through this amazing woman’s life but with like photos and it’s all hand-drawn and handwritten and it’s got it’s just oh god I loved it I fucking loved it I wish there was more like graphic style books on the market and I know that there’s like shit tons of them because I bought most of them but I fucking love the combination of words and pictures and especially when it’s hand-drawn like oh
17:04 – Unidentified Speaker
god blow me away.
17:05 – Leonie Dawson
I also loved They Called Us Enemy by George Takai which is a graphic novel on George Takai’s childhood and I genuinely had no idea about the part in American history where like American government arrested Japanese American residents and put them in concentration camps for years because they’re at war with Japan like holy fuck so intense such a great historical memoir, in a graphic novel, because I fucking love them.
17:36 – Unidentified Speaker
All right, Best TV, me and my love have been continuing to treat ourselves to daytime viewings of Dead Pixels.
17:45 – Leonie Dawson
Hot damn, it’s fucking funny, it’s like an English show, I love British comedy, of two people in their 20s who love gaming, and just the dysfunctional ways they behave in the world and it is incredible. And there’s somebody like, I quite like, you know, I quite like games. My husband loves games, video games and stuff like that. And sometimes we look at each other and go, you, that’s you right now on TV. It’s so funny. We also have been watching with the kids, Ryan Tran, Tran, I don’t know how to pronounce his last name.
18:27 – Unidentified Speaker
T-R-A-H-A-N. Anyway, he’s doing this YouTube series each night about crossing the U.S.
18:32 – Leonie Dawson
on one cent.
18:33 – Unidentified Speaker
He is 10 out of 10 adorable. He is absolutely golden retriever energy.
18:38 – Leonie Dawson
Highly recommend that. It’s actually a really great series. Now, in terms of what I did in my business, May was filled with finishing the Get Organized course, launching a live round of my Sales Star e-course, coaching my small group of mentorees on their business, and creating a free monthly business template, which you can find on the blog as well. And I did a few different blog posts, like a big scrapbook of 41 magical and inspiring things I found on the web of late. Anyway, go to leonardilson.com forward slash May 22, and you will find it all there. I also did four interviews on the Rach Active podcast, the Planner Craft Pro Summit, Master of None with Cheryl Woodhouse, and marketing without social media with Vivguy. Now, I’ve got a big list of the different kinds of software I use to run in my business. If you go to learndawson.com forward slash May 22, you’ll be able to find them there. Now, in terms of how much money I made in May, $91,044, which is super sweet, especially since it was a month where a lot of life stuff happened and I moved and it was hectic.
19:50 – Unidentified Speaker
Now, in terms of where that income came from, e-courses brought in $82,657.
19:55 – Leonie Dawson
My digital goal getter planners brought in $455. Goal getter planners for like the print royalty editions were $223. My passive income business that I set up a few years ago and haven’t touched for years brought in $7,039. My shares and ethical managed funds didn’t increase this time, that’s fine. My investment property now converted to family property for in-laws. So I probably won’t share the data on that anymore. That’s fine. We’ve got an investment property there. I was an affiliate for Kajabi that earned me $670 and that is all. Now in terms of my e-course income breakdown, SalesStar brought in $45,000. Get Organized brought in $12,000. 40 days to create and sell your e-course brought in just under $5,000. Marketing without social media brought in just under $4,000. Money manifesting multiple streams of income brought in $2,500. And work less earn more brought in $842. And my mini workshop, which is only like five or seven bucks or some shit like that, they brought in $123.
21:15 – Unidentified Speaker
So whoop, whoop.
21:16 – Leonie Dawson
Now, popular request, I’m going to include expenses. For the business as well, just to give you like a even more transparent look at profitability. For contractors, I spent just under six grand.
21:27 – Unidentified Speaker
That’s for one part-time customer service virtual assistant and one part-time online business manager.
21:31 – Leonie Dawson
Now that’s probably like on the higher side for pricing, but I don’t mind paying them more for people who I trust and have a long-term working relationship with. I want them to feel appreciated. I want them to be able to live good and sustainable lives, all that kind of stuff. We also made a donation of $7,500 to a local indigenous organization called SEVGEN, S-E-V-G-E-N. And that’s helping them establish their bush tucker orchard. And it’s kind of like a bulk donation. Usually we donate about 20, between 20 and 30 grand every year. And doing the… Like seven and a half is kind of like, I don’t know, three or four months of our usual giving, which is groovy. I just called them and said, what do you need? And she said, oh, we need pruning equipment to prune the orchard, but that’s like two and a half thousand dollars. I said, that’s fine. I’ll take care of that. Anything else you need? And she’s like, oh, okay, well, we want to have a freeze dryer because they’re planting kind of like native fruits and stuff like that and they want to be able to freeze-dry them to sell them to market. And I was like, that sounds phenomenal. So, and she’s like, that’s 5,000. I was like, that’s cool. We can take care of that. And she was so stoked and just makes me so happy. So at some point I’d like to, like, they invited me out to their bush tucker orchard to check it out and I will sometime.
23:07 – Unidentified Speaker
That’d be so super fun. Oh, business tax.
23:10 – Leonie Dawson
We paid this that month as well. So that was $31,830. Dollars which was it’s a much larger yearly tax bill not just our usual monthly tax which is under 10 grand. Our affiliates we paid out seven thousand two hundred dollars to and like I regard that is like the advertising fee and I love giving it to small women and it’s like small businesses that are owned by women and non-binary people because like I was so much rather pay them than fucking Zuckerberg for his bullshit.
23:41 – Unidentified Speaker
PayPal and Account fees were around two and a half.
23:45 – Leonie Dawson
Software subscriptions were just under four grand this time because we had a couple of annual expenses. Website hosting cost $98. Courses and books for me and my staff to learn from, we are always continuously learning, just under three grand. That’s pretty constant. We invest heavily in education and I don’t give one single fuck about that. And I also have to make a minimum purchase order for my passive income business, which was $150. So total expenses this month was $61,981. They’re much higher than usual. Half of it, half of those expenses is to paying the annual tax due. And of course, the $7,500 donation, which you know, we’re totally stoked to do anyway.
24:34 – Unidentified Speaker
So profit levels, total profit was $59,993 before tax or $29,063 after tax. So that’s approximately like 65% profit EBIT, which is earnings before interest and tax, and 31% profit earnings after tax. Now, not as high as usual, but super great profit numbers anyway, and totally happy to pay taxes and donate so much. And from, you know, that profit as well, my husband and I take salaries that we then pay personal tax on, and we pay compulsory superannuation, which is contributions to retirement funds as well. And the rest of the profit stays in the holding company, gets regularly invested in ethical managed funds. Now if you want more details on how we manage and grow our income streams, check out my e-course, Money Manifesting in Multiple Streams of Income, because that’ll be so useful. Now in terms of my goals for next month is just, you know, stay sane, yeah, finish unpacking, reinstall some good habits and catch up with some friends. And in business, I just need to decide on what I want to do next and get back on track with my usual business habits of creating and sharing and planning all that kind of stuff and keep encouraging my incubated clients as well. So it’s a total fucking joy to be here. Thanks as always for sharing this journey with me. Thanks for being patient when podcast episodes are few and far between. I really just do them when I feel like it’s the right time you know so it’s the right time It’s the right place and I love you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Bye
Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

- Goal Getter workbooks for 2022 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)