I started writing this list some years ago.

A list of all the things I wanted to do to live – really live – my beautiful life. The big & the small.

And then I started making them happen.

Dreams really do come true.

My Goddess Life List

1. Have a midnight picnic


2. Paint my nails bright purple – Done
3. Have a bicycle with streamers on the handlebars

4. Have henna painted on the palms of my hands – Done.
5. Read tea leaves
6. Learn how to say “thank you” in six languages. – Done.
7. Play Bingo in a Bingo hall.
8. Scuba dive
9. Handglide – I’ve sky-flied on a wire, which is close… 50% there.



10. Wear a lot of bangles on my wrists so I can make music when I *sashay* – Done.
11. Swim with dolphins – I was so close to doing this in Adelaide…
12. Spread happy graffiti/street stickers – Done.
13. Photograph project of street art – Done.


14. Hold the hands of my beloved on a beach and say *I do* while looking intensely into his eyes – DONNNNNNNNNNNNNE!!!!!!!
15. Begin & finish my second gratitude journal
16. Finish reading “Women who run with the Wolves”
17. Read “Mists of Avalon” – 50% read, and I think that was all I needed to read, so I am marking this as Done.
18. Read a Henry Miller book – downloaded onto kindle! getting closer!
19. Finish an Anais Nin book – downloaded onto kindle! getting closer!
20. Have a book launch – Done. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but an online launch where I hit the charts of Amazon.
21. Write silly and insightful sayings on t-shirts and wear them – Done.
22. Paint like a goddess – Done, and will do for the rest of my life.
23. Watch “What the Bleep Do we Know” – Done.
25. Record a full length song – Done.
26. Dance on a table
27. Design my own sticker series
28. Feel truly enriched, uplifted and satisfied by my career. Touch other’s lives with my work. You know what? I’m going to keep doing this… but I’m calling it DONE! I love what I do!
29. Get published by a publishing house
30. Paint a photo frame – Done.
31. Have a big treasure chest of artsy goodies – Done.
32. Make an altar – Done. This is so much a part of my life now.

33. Cook a creme brulee

34. Play a magical April Fool’s Day trick

35. Get an eyebrow ring – Done. And I loved every part of it – getting it, having it, letting it go.
36. Rockclimb – Half done. I rock climb wherever I go, but I want to try out a rockwall.
37. Have bright blue hair – Done. It ended up being purple, fuscia & hot pink instead. It was rad.

38. Canoe/Kayak on Lake Burley Griffin – Done. I’ve been sailing on it twice, and hilarious fun ensued.
39. Go to a Sacred Heart Gathering at Uluru – Done. And it was incredible.
40. Howl at full moon – Done.

42. Get a tattoo – Maybe after I am thirty or past my second saturn return.
43. Do an art portfolio up with photos of all my works – Done. And it looks awesome.
44. Learn Tibetan Buddhist meditation – Done.
45. Dance on a beach at night – DONE!!!! That was my sacred hen’s night on the eve of our wedding!!!
46. Have a LeoniePaLooza – DONE! DONE! I’ve had many of them now.
47. Sleep under the stars again
48. Hike for three days
49. Eat noodles again at a streetvendor stall in SE Asia. DONE! Singapore!


50. Have a hammock. – We have a rainbow hammock chair instead!!! WEEEEOOOOOO!!! PERFECT!!!!
51. Own a blue car – Done. Aurora the Blue Jeep has joined our happy family!
52. Add to this list – DONE!
54. Dress in disguise – Done.
55. Get so flexible I can bend my head to my knees
56. Work in a bookstore
57. Perform a rain dance – Done, and it worked! Also performed a stop-rain dance. Also successful!
58. Wear a grass skirt and a coconut bra
59. Get a professional dress-ups photo taken (dressed up like another era) – I was so close to having this happen in a little German town in South Australia, but they’d just closed!
60. Baptise a baby
61. Find a signature perfume scent – Done. My signature scent, I have realised, is no perfume ~ just the sweetness of my hair, the breath of wind around me, and occassional swirls of essential oils. My beautiful friend Angel said to me the other day “I love your smell Leonie. I have a pair of your socks that even smell like you!” I think I realised then my perfume quest was over… my signature scent is me.
62. Create a dreamboard – Done.

63. Watch a foal being born


64. Marry myself – Done. I love this so much. Best thing I ever did for me.
65. Give birth – DONE!
66. Find a song that sings about a Leonie – DONE! Found on my 26th birthday – Arjan Brass sings “Leonie”.

67. Have no idea about what I’m going to be doing for a year. – DONE! When I wrote this, I had a different idea of how that would look. But it was different to my expectations. The first year of mamahood was this over & over. A void of time & space & knowing.
68. Tell a stranger they look beautiful
69. Give a spontaneous hug to someone I wouldn’t usually. DONE! My friend Deb + I had a hug-fest afternoon at work one day… I hugged over 100 people in three hours!
70. Cut and polish a rock
71. Make a plaster cast of my breasts & belly and paint it
72. Belly dance in blue – Done.

73. See a buffalo – oh my god! Done! I loved this so very, very much. I didn’t realise it was on my To Do List until just now!

74. Take photos of the red dirt of the Grand Canyon against a blue blue sky.
75. Gondola. Venice.
76. Meet SARK.
77. Paint rocks
78. Paint with ochre rock dust
79. Create my own set of oracle cards – In the process of.
80. Delve and acknowledge the wisdom of my authentic and ancient self. DONE! – I do, and forever more will do.
81. Drink tea made from loose tea leaves – Done.
82. Make a necklace – Done.
83. White water raft
84. Ride a horse again – Done. And I will again and again.
85. Lead a womens circle – Done.


86. Run a sacred creative retreat – Done. It was AMAZING. And I thought I wouldn’t do this for years and YEARS… but I did, and it was divine, blissful, tranformational. More than I could have ever imagined.
87. Submit a book proposal – Done! You GO Goddess Girl!
88. Appear in a SARK book – Done. RAR!
89. Go to India – Done. Wow. I travelled around India with my beloved, two sisters and Mum. Adventure of a lifetime!

90. Walk the Camino trail
91. Go to Tibet
92. Read all the books in my bookcase
93. Go to Maccu Piccu
94. Write a book – Done. I self published a book “Today I grew like a Wildflower” when I was 22.
95. Stay at an ashram in India for a couple of months.
96. Be an apprentice to a Wise One. – Done.
97. Enjoy every single day of my life.
98. Live in the country again.


99. Go to a world music/alternative music festival. – Done! Sacred Sound Festival at Ingelara Retreat.
100. Paint a wall mural – Done!
101. Do things just for me. – Done.
102. Be in the SageWoman magazine (illustration, article or review)
103. Hold workshops all around the world
104. Hold a workshop with my friend Donna
105. Meet Doreen Virtue, Julia Cameron or Oprah. Or all three. – Oooh! I did interview Julia Cameron for the World’s Biggest Summit! It was scrumptious!
106. Set up a healing retreat
107. Be Leonie. – I love being Leonie. I am SO good at it! DONE!
108. Sell a painting to someone in Asia, Africa and South America. (Then I would have a painting in every continent!) DONE!
109. Have a neighbourhood progressive dinner. Meh! I just don’t wanna anymore. DONE! YAY!
110. Publish a range of greeting cards. – I’ve created them! Now just need a greeting card publisher! Wee!
111. Go to Tasmania with my lover.
112. Return to Uluru.
113. Meet Brooke Medicine Eagle.
114. Go to a residential spiritual retreat.
115. Create a photography website. – Done.
116. Have a solo art exhibition – Done.
117. Bushwalk in the Australian Alps – Done. We spent so much of our time in Canberra in the mountains.


118. Travel the NSW South Coast – Done! Once with my women’s circle, and once with my love the day after we found out we were pregnant!
119. See James Taylor in concert.
120. Photograph a sublime band for their CD.
121. Do The Gift.
122. Go to Japan.
123. Go to the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury.
124. Visit the Nan Tien Temple, the largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere. – DONE. It was so beautiful visiting this place with my beloved.
125. Get a pedicure. – Done!


The Things I Thought I Might Like To Do But I Don’t Think I Do Anymore And That’s Totally Perfect List!

42. Learn the dates of star signs off by heart. – Meh. Don’t need to. This feels more like a should than anything.

53. Change my name to Leonie Cougar Mellancamp Allan {or not} – Done. I choose not too!

24. Watch the Qaatsi trilogy – Don’t feel the burning wish to anymore.

The Things I Have Done And They Were Ding Dang Fun List!

1. Photographed a stranger.

2. Lived in Malaysia by myself when I was 18 for a couple of months. Gua Musang, Raub & Kuala Lumpur!

3. Decided when I was 15 that I needed to go to boarding school. So I did.

4. Graduated as School Captain, School Dux, top student in every subject & with an OP of 2 (top 5% of the state). Dude, I’m proud of my little overachiever days!

5. Self-published my first book Today I Grew like a Wildflower when I was 22.

6. Worked in Parliament House in Minister’s Offices.

7. Told a joke to the Treasurer of Australia.

8. Worked as a finance trainee, a receptionist, a legal secretary, a personal assistant and a web editor. Now I work as a Goddess! Woo!

9. Studied at three universities: James Cook University, Monash University & Australian National University.

10. Twirled fire.

11. Met Louise Hay & Wendy Matthews & flirted with Rolf Harris.

12. Seen Sarah Mclachlan in concert.

13. Photographed the lovely & inspiring Lucy Cavendish.

14. Found my totem animal.

15. Invited people from the internet to be my Goddesses of Honour at my Inner Marriage ceremony. I met them half an hour before the ceremony. It was perfect, and one of them became my best friend!

16. Found someone with a matching apron as me.

17. Found my dog’s soul mate.

18. Organised a mystery fairy picnic in an abandoned lot in another city while I was visiting. We wore fairy crowns and ate fairy food and made art and laughed and laughed and laughed.

19. Had a weekend where me, my love and my best friend had a mini-retreat at home and called each other only by our spirit animal names.

20. Found the Goddesses I work with: Quan Yin and White Buffalo Calf Woman. Even just saying their names feels like taking a deep, holy breath.

21. Found a spiritual mentor.

22. Had the guts to go to my first women’s circle when I was 21.

23. Had an impromptu photo shoot in a car park.

24. Organised hilarious lunches at the Pancake Parlour where we called each other by our porn star names, made everything sound deliciously lude, and took very silly sultry photos. Because that’s how we roll on public service lunchbreaks.


26. Been to a Wild Woman’s Weekend in Melbourne.

27. Discovered the joys of margaritas at Montezumas. Over and over again.

28. Celebrated my 20’s birthdays in ridunkulously fun ways.

29. Photographed my favourite tattoo.

30. Made a Find-Your-Birthday-Party Adventure Pack for my friend Deb. The map & chalk drawings of angels all over the city led her to us on a hill in the middle of a ginormous roundabout where we had a picnic and blew dandelions. It was the best fun ever. The End.

31. Danced with a baby in an old cow shed as a Filipino tribal chief sung.

32. Literally FROLICKED in the park when it became Spring in Canberra. Had a “23 degree celsius party” with a bunch of friends after one long, cold winter.

33. Did one of those awful work-exercise-things. You know the kind. The one where everyone is supposed to walk five kilometres for the sake of a sausage-on-bread BBQ. Managed to subvert it entirely by meandering like Jane Austen characters, smelling blossoms as we go and inventing our dream alter egos. The End.

34. Had a writer’s date with a friend in an antique alternate cafe for an afternoon. Pretended we were in Paris, took large numbers of photos on Photobooth and all round did very little writing. Most excellent.

35. Found my separated-at-birth twin in the same cubicle as me. Spent the next 18 months inflicting my need to play horse and carriage on him. Guess who was the horse?

36. Had very many spontaneous picnics with friends.

37. Invented a cocktail: Pink Frothy Vulva.

38. Ridden carousels with friends.

39. Covered a friend’s office desk with love post-it notes.

40. Staged the 2006 Cheese Awards.

41. Photographed an abandoned building.

42. Played nose to nose in sacred communion with a platypus in Melbourne.

43. Wrote a second book.

44. Mentored teenage girls

45. Bought my grandmother’s 100 year old cottage

46. Moved home to Proserpine

47. Survived & thrived from Post Natal Depression

48. Interviewed Julia Cameron, Lynn V Andrews (two of my biggest heroines!) and 100+ other teachers for World’s Biggest Summit!

49. Made my life truly my own


Life. It’s pretty much the best thing ever!!!!

Dreaming magic,



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