I always love when Austin Kleon writes his 100 Things list for the year. I shared my first list last year, and adored it so much I thought I’d do it again.
100 Things I made, did or appreciated in 2021.
- I quit social media. It was life changing.
- Did a bunch of abstract acrylic painting.
- Read over 200 books.
- Spent my birthday in magical Montville with my family.
- Did a pinboard DIY project again with my kid… 11 years apart.
- Partied like it was 1999 with my friends in my favourite B&B.
- Created my Work Less, Earn More program.
- Binge watched Bridgerton in one weekend. It was DELICIOUS.
- Henceforth, watched Bridgerton on the overhead TV everytime I went to the dentist. I swear it’s the best pain relief known to humankind.
- Started doing private pilates sessions at Noosa Flow. Afterwards, I go to my favourite bookstore cafe The River Read to drink tea, eat cake and read books. It’s my favourite part of the week.
- Did a deep study of Atomic Habits.
- Shared an important post about my gender identity & pronouns.
- Became a part time expert on graphic novels for tween girls. My eldest kid got OBSESSED with them this year!
- Created my Sales Star program.
- Adored an incredible encyclopaedia of diaries.
- Blogged everyday in April.
- Had this song play constantly in my brain.
- Also this song.
- Went on holidays for the first time in years! Stayed at an old Queenslander cottage in Maryborough.
- Went to the amazing Story Bank museum. Stood in the room where the author of Mary Poppins was born!
- Got obsessed with reading blogs again. Created a big list of my favourites here.
- Took my kids to the Cat Cafe for a fun date!
- Read a Famous Five book to my kids. Life goal come true!
- Became obsessed with Susan Branch.
- I did a month without internet browsing or shopping.
- Took my kids to a lot of equine assisted learning. It was soooo deliciously fun!
- My bloke &.I celebrated 20 years of love.
- I had a mini school reunion and met up with sweet friends I hadn’t seen in two decades.
- Danced like crazy on the top of a boat with a crew of hags.
- Did 21 days of no spending.
- Had an amazing Greek dinner at Spero with my darling mate M.
- Got obsessed with learning how to get organised. Even took notes from Martha Stewart’s book.
- Went boating a few times on the river.
- Subsisted on a diet of peanut butter & chocolate smoothies and bubble tea. I am, indeed, a basic bitch at heart.
- Did a painting workshop with my kids and a bunch of friends. It was so fun!
- Spent a day in emergency.
- Went to Wildlife HQ. Unpopular opinion but I like it more than Australia Zoo – as much as I revere Saint Steve & all the Irwins! I like that it’s smaller, easier to walk around & has capybaras!
- Had an adorably posh birthday party for the girls.
- Chris’ Aunt & Uncle brought their campervan to stay on our acreage for a few days. It was so fun!
- I went to a naturopath to get my health tuned up.
- My eldest was sick for 6 weeks & ended up hospitalised with suspected appendicitis. It was scary and hard. I’m glad she’s better now.
- Went on lots of walks: the river, the beach and the wetlands are my usual trampling grounds.
- I fractured my littlest toe. YOUCH.
- I volunteered to take my littlest kid’s class to a Brisbane museum with a fractured toe. #idiotmove
- It inspired me to write this however.
- In related news, this book about Brisbane love stories was one of my very favourite books this year.
- I also got obsessed with interior design
- I wallpapered a half wall & got a new art cupboard!
- Made a drop zone for school bags
- Made a lot of homemade egg & bacon muffins for the kids.
- Did a reno of my eldest kid’s desk & made a desk hutch for it as well!
- Hauled an old bookshelf out of the garage and painted it bright pink.
- Cared for our ageing puppy Angel (she’s 15 now!) Everyday when we come back from school run, we wander through the house seeing where she’s decided to have her morning nap today. 9 times out of 10, she’s curled up in a tight fluffy ball on one of the girls’ beds.
- Went to Eumundi a few times… it’s such a cute, artsy village. Had lunch at the pub with my wee family as well.
- Bought a dozen copies of this book to fling at every woman who passed me by because IT IS THE HOLY BIBLE OF OUR MIDDLE AGED TIMES.
- Got obsessed by ethical managed funds.
- Restained my office door
- Got back into the habit of (almost) daily journaling.
- Did monthly group coaching calls with all my course students. I love doing these and getting to meet so many of you!
- Drew covers of books I’ve read
- Fulfilled my lifetime dream of working in a bookstore
- Released a new program – Marketing Without Social Media.
- Went through a few short lockdowns when COVID bubbled up in Queensland. (A short note: for the last 19 months or so, COVID has been basically non-existent in my state by locking borders, mandatory quarantines & short lockdowns when it does bubble up. It’s worked spectacularly well and I’m so blinking grateful to have lived a relatively normal COVID-free life.)
- Shared a day in my life.
- Got double vaccinated WOOT WOOT.
- Got my leaking office repaired.
- Got to read “Boy” (Roald Dahl’s childhood autobiography) with my eldest kid. It was my favourite when I was a kid, and I loved sharing it with her. Another beautiful life goal come true.
- Retired two older programs.
- Created a new mini workshop about my money & finances.
- Injured my back. Then had a car accident. It was a drama.
- Started bullet journaling.
- Then taught my eldest kid how to start bullet journaling too! Hooray!
- Went on a photo walk.
- Halved Our Inbox Time.
- Did an all-day business photoshoot.
- Probably spent a week of my year voicemailing my best friend. She’s my person for helping me work out how to do this whole life thing. Or maybe even not knowing how to do it per se… just know that I’m not alone when it’s hard and wonky!
- Got a puffer jacket from Kajabi as a prize for earning over $1 million in courses.
- Started using the Getting Things Done system.
- Had a 2 metre carpet python in our yard. He moved so slowly and it was just hypnotic to watch.
- We went to an epic birthday party on a farm.
- Binge listened to We Can Do Hard Things podcast.
- Did some beautiful Tara Brach courses.
- My eldest kid became more independent this year – she started going to birthday parties and playdates on her own.
- Created a tools of the trade page.
- Did a reading intensive with my kids.
- Did 21 days of meditating.
- Watched a lot of Taskmaster with my kids.
- Got obsessed with Cal Newport.
- Then made a Taskmaster-style Halloween treasure hunt for my kids. Ha!
- did a Zoom career talk for the Year 11 & 12 students at my old boarding school. I went for the “Eccentric Creative Aunt Encourages Them All To Disobey Their Parents And Follow Their Dreams” vibe, and I’m pretty sure I NAILED IT.
- I finished estate planning and I feel very very very very fucking smug.
- Created an illustrated Calm Christmas printable planner to sell on Etsy.
- Got obsessed with Brigit Everett.
- Finished another art journal.
- Did 21 days of decluttering & organising.
- Released the new Goal Getter workbooks & planner range.
- Made a zine.
- Art journalled with my kids. We love Tammy Hudgeon’s course.
- Made a poster about what helps my Autism.
- Told the HILARIOUS story of a godawful embarrassing mistake I made. I still scream internally when I think of it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
All in all… a full year of living! I’m so grateful.
School holidays are about to begin, and we’re off travelling for a wee bit. I am THRILLED to be getting away & letting go of school routines. I need some freedom & flexibility like I need air.
I wonder what 2022 will bring forth!
Sending you much love & blessings as always,

- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
- Weekly love letters
- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- Goal Getter workbooks for 2022 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)