Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
I’m a-celebrating my year in photos… All the big, beautiful, small & sacred moments that have made my year…

I started the year in Adelaide, with my love’s family. Days filled with reading trashy novels, coming up with big beautiful ideas, going to every secondhand store under the sun, buying buckets of books and falling even more in love with my love.

I also got to take my love to go see the buffalo herd at the zoo… buffaloes are my sacred totem, and they fill my heart with love.
January was also the month of firsts, creative births & bloomings.

First, there was the launch of GoddessGuidebook.com (has it really only been a year?). Before that, there was GoddessLeonie.com – and before then was LeonieLife.com. I wanted to create a big, beautiful Goddess ship that wasn’t just about me – it was a guidebook for goddesses wanting to live their most gorgeous, radiant, sacred, creative, wise lives.

And then midway through the month, I launched my first online e-course – the Creative Goddess e-Course. Six weeks. Over 150 goddesses. It was filled with miracles, and goddesses awakening, and creative blossomings. Absolutely incredible.
After an absolutely *massive* and wild busy November & December filled with Christmas art orders – and then January with the e-course… once February came around, I spent a lot of time doing things like this:

and this…

Self-replenishing all the way!
Just at the end of February, we knew there was a little puppy soul out there waiting to join our heart family. We even wrote a personals ad about the puppy we were looking for. After a few days of searching, we found her…

A sweet little Maltese X Shitzu (A Shitzu? A Mittese?) named Angel. An Angel who completely and utterly fulfills every part of our ad. Especially this bit:
Chris needs a fluffy puppy to cup, hold and warm his ginormous, shining heart.
Angel has taken this part of her job very, very seriously. Her adoration for Chris is legendary. Just as Charlie the Happy Healer Dog has always made it known that he was my doggy – Angel has had Chris’ name tattooed on her tiny, fluffy butt. She is the perfect fourth Wiggle in our heart-family – and when she showed us that love grew bigger as our family did… she planted the seed that maybe, just maybe, extending our family even more would be an even bigger miracle.

She was right.
March was also the month I discovered a lump on my breast, and learned a huge amount of medicine and lessons about my body, burn-out and how to heal. I started using chamomile poultices, listened to my lessons, and created my own self-healing retreat. And… blessed of blessed, my tests came back joyful, positive & healthy. I am so grateful for all the medicine and lessons I learned during that time – and for the miracle of healing.
In March, our darling friend Goddess Sone came to visit as well.

We spent a lot of time in gentleness, beading crystal necklaces and taking walks on my favourite mountain near here.

My mama came to stay for three days in April… I showed Amma-mama {my nickname for her since we travelled through India together} how to read oracle cards. And we played Wii Tennis together. And rode on bicycles around lakes together. And drummed in tipis with friends. And made chakra bracelets together. And perused bookstores together. And talked about all my favourite hippy books which are now her favourite books too. And lay in bed together, making up big wild ideas together.

It might be a quarter way through the year… but it was just the right time to make an artwork with my theme word for the year: FAITH. Parts One & Two here.

And in April, Goddess Guidebook got its rainbow redesign to make it its present look. As I said back then…
I wanted to heal myself with colour.
Amen to that!
During April & May, Goddess Sone came to live with us!
We had a ginormous amount of fun… birthday parties… crafting… large amounts of tea… cupcakes… and late night Photoboothing…

And of course… our infamous Tribute to East 17.
Our Tribute to East 17 from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.
I also went away to a life changing retreat for work… no photos, but a video of vulnerability here.

I wrote my favourite blog post – How to Meditate for Lazy People.

And I spent a lot of time in bed creating a new e-course.

I finished creating the Making Space for your Goddess to Shine e-course, and released it in June…
Over the next four months it ended up having over 250 goddesses enrol in it, before me and the lovely Lisa closed it.
If you missed out on taking it, there’ll be a new e-course hopefully sometime next year focussing on creating your goddess haven 🙂

In June, I also headed back to my homelands to say goodbye to my big sister who was moving to England…
while there, I got to hang out in mermaid’s paradise…

and photograph my beautiful big brother, his beautiful wife…

and my darling niece Paige Rhianna who was three weeks away from entering the world…

I adore my big, beautiful, love-soaked family…

I spent a lot of time doing our farm ritual… building the biggest campfires possible…

and spending inordinate amounts of time basking by it…

It ended up becoming my last trip home as a Maiden…

Paige Rhianna entered the world! My beautiful Cancerian moon goddess niece!

I created my own permission slips…

I shared about my spiritual reasons for being vegetarian…
And… I noticed I was feeling really emotional… like something big was shifting in me, and an ocean was swirling inside me. I spent a lot more time walking around in nature, sitting against trees and breathing.
It wasn’t until the end of July that I found out why…

In the first week of August, I shared my big, beautiful news… I was becoming a mama goddess.

I also shared our magical enchanted conception story…

And decided it was the right time to birth my Divine Dreaming Meditation Kit… I wanted to help goddesses get more gorgeous sleep and have some healing, inspiring dreams…

We also made some big, profound decisions about not testing our little child for perfection – and we shared our teary, love-soaked reasons why.

In September, I shared about our True Love Story.

I launched Term One of Goddess School.

We celebrated three months of being pregnant.


A reminder…

I wrote about being a bit obsesso-adoring-in-love with my love.

I wrote about Birthing Choices.
And just incase you need to hear it, the Worst Thing Could Be The Best Thing.

I photographed a beautiful couple-becoming-parents… (congratulations beautifuls on your little one!)

and we celebrated four months of pregnancy…

In November… I announced my dear friend Goddess Sone would be joining Goddess Guidebook to run Goddess School while I was on mama-goddess leave.

My love & I went to an exquisite weekend retreat of CalmBirthing.

I celebrated five months of pregnancy, with our first ultrasound on my 27th birthday, my beautiful parents & little sister flying across the country to be with us, and a sacred Blessingway ceremony.

And we learned that our little baby soul was a mermaid goddess!
December has been a month of finishing up some gorgeous soul + creative projects to send out into the world before I head into mama-cave…

I started December out by opening up Goddess School for Term 2 enrolments (begins Jan 17)…

and doing a whole lot of Radiant Goddess e-course creating with Goddess Sone…

And I finally released the two meditations I’d been wanting to send out for months – the Chakra Healing Goddess Meditation kit & the Releasing Fears Meditation kit.

I cleared out my studio to make room for baby goddess, and had an Etsy sale of original paintings & crystal goddess necklaces (there’s a couple of necklaces remaining at 40% off if you were feeling called!)
Because it’s our first real Christmas here in our little cottage, we got our Christmas craft on too…

Hand-decorated stockings for all the beautiful souls in our heart-family…

Handmade tree decorations our way…

And mostly… I just loved the one I’m with… my merman love who is perfect for me in every way.
It’s Summer here in this gorgeous, wide, brown land… and looking back over this year, I see how very, very full and transformative it has been. It was only the birth of this year that this website was born… and since then – there’s been so much love… transformation… creating… and being gifted a whole new journey…
Usually my year is filled with more travel… but this year, it has been instead the adventure of becoming a mama – which is wholly the biggest soul-change I’ve ever met.
And it started with him – and it ends with him. I’m so grateful I got to share it with my love Christian – he is the sun to my star in every way. I don’t know if Great Spirit could have made a soul that would teach, love and inspire me like he does. All I know is – when I wake up and look in his blue ocean eyes, I know all is right with the world. And that I get to be a parent with him, and see him become a father to our daughter? It feels like one big beautiful fairy tale – but it’s a mermaid’s tale!
I’m so grateful I am sharing this celebration season with my daughter-in-belly… everyday she teaches me. Everyday I get butterflies of joy in my belly, knowing that she has chosen me as her mother.
I’m so grateful for my own mama… and dadda… and my siblings-of-my-heart. My family is one of the biggest blessings of my life.
I’m so grateful for my dear friends, and my elders, and my teachers.
And I’m so deeply grateful to be here, sharing this work, sharing the joys of being a goddess, sharing my story, and sharing the journey with you… hundreds of beautiful goddesses from around the globe… we are all walking this path together. As goddesses, and as sisters. We are so so blessed… and I know there is a thousand miracles to follow 🙂
At the end of this year, and this decade I want to say:
My heart is full. I am blessed. I am grateful.
Thank you for all you have given me.
In big love, and in big blessings,
from the Goddess in Me, to the Goddess in You,