by Leonie Dawson | Aug 19, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
I’m still not well… my fourth day home from work. The boy hasn’t had a great week and was home again today as well. It’s been such a skewed two weeks, murred by illness and upsets. So out of the ordinary, out of routine… Isn’t it...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 18, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
I have been inspired by so many in the last few days Jen Gray Lisa Marie’s Romantic Circus Songs Brandi’s adsum Brake for Zetty Have also been inspired by dears not yet on*line… Sonia, Deb to name a few God how I like how these chicks speak and write...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 18, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. – Diane Ackerman Subscribe for wonderful words of the day
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 18, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. – G.K. Chesteron
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 17, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized Another SARK Marvellous Message Board*er who has inspired me with her amazing art… FlyingGirl’s work is so delicious and heartfelt; just brimming with warmth and love… I couldn’t chose which of her paintings I liked...