by Leonie Dawson | Mar 31, 2012 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Gorgeous ones!!!! Have you made your mind up yet? Decided to say YES or NO? It’s the FINAL day to sign up for the Creative Goddess e-course :: give me six weeks & I’ll cure your creative blocks, make you prolific, creative and confident!!! I wanted to... by Leonie Dawson | Mar 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
Download your Domestic Goddess eBook below! Hola gorgeous goddess!!! A brand new sparkling e-book freeee for you to devour, take notes & become the ultimate Domestic Goddess. This is EVERYTHING I know about how to do it ALL :: be a mama,... by Leonie Dawson | Mar 30, 2012 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous goddesses! Once upon a time, in a cubicle job long long ago, I invented a job for myself. I would spot interesting people who worked on my floor (there were over 200 on my floor, so plenty to choose from!) And I’d interview them – about their... by Leonie Dawson | Mar 29, 2012 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous hearts! Another cute creative family project we did together… this time with hunky love included! We found this old uggle-fuggle rocking horse out at the farm… The paint was peeling, the colours were so-not-us, the tail looked really... by Leonie Dawson | Mar 28, 2012 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Want to cure CREATIVE BLOCK once and for ALL? Want to create more PROFILICALLY than you ever dreamed possible? Do you find yourself saying “I’m not an artist! I can barely draw stick figures!” Or are you so WOUND UP in the fear of making a mistake...