Scam alert: podcast guest invitation

Scam alert: podcast guest invitation

Friends, Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up about a scam that is currently doing the rounds. We got targeted in it too, but thankfully managed to escape unscathed because I’m a lazy binch. We had two emails inviting us to be interviews on some very...
Personal share: A Season of Change

Personal share: A Season of Change

My loves, Buckle up… this will be one of those longer ye ole fashioned miandering blog posts. Diary style of what I’m up to, what I’m thinking and feeling… all those good things. To be honest, 2024 is so far… NOTHING like what I was...
Are you ready to get your funnel out there and making you money?

Get Your Funnel DONE!

Love bugs, I filmed a delightful workshop for Faith Mariah’s fabulous event: Get Your Funnel Done week (June 21-June 28) all about simple copy tips for writing emails! Funnels (when done well!) can totally transform your marketing results AND your marketing...