Women’s marvellous power

Women’s marvellous power

If an incestral treasure lying buried in a corner of the house unknown to the members of the family were suddenly discovered, what a celebration it would be. Similarily, women’s marvellous power is lying dormant. If the women of Asia wake up, they will dazzle...
Do you like Pina Coladas?

Do you like Pina Coladas?

Last night as I was driving into town by myself In the silence of a darkened car A song filled the space It was a familiar song… but one which I hadn’t *listened* to before. Last night I was in the space to hear it just as it was I had chills all over I...
A new vision

A new vision

Watching the sun set from the balcony I got my new glasses today… free from the big blue frames which hid me. I can finally see again! I sat outside at twilight staring at the sky and the lights on the hill and the stars everything was so ~intricate~ and...