Miraculous Bounty

“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” Bern Williams Todays’ Affirmation I take my time to open my eyes to the miraculous bounty in my life. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming...
Weekend musings

Weekend musings

I have realised Charlie is my angel. Dog is only God spelt backwards. ~ I got a beautiful email from my favourite~ist author SARK telling me how she’d read a post I’d done on her website and she’d followed the link to here… and how much she...
Introducing… Charlie

Introducing… Charlie

Our beautiful boy finally has a name… Charlie… Charles Benjamin the First… Still such a fluffy bundle of joy when i see him with my boy playing together i know things are just exactly how they are supposed to be how can it get any better than...