Switch Off Sunday: yippee!

Switch Off Sunday: yippee!

Hola scrumptious pie! Happy SoS day! For the uninitiated – SoS is that day of the week we switch offline and go live up our gorgeous lives off the screen. You can SoS the whole day, an afternoon or just a few hours. Just make it intentional, and see what...
Return to Proserpine

Return to Proserpine

Me. In the ocean at home. Last time I visited. It’s 30 days until Lil Mermaid and I step out of that great steel bird and step foot into my homelands. Chris and his Dad will be taking the three day drive up, bringing our four wheel drive and the puppy dogs. I...
Switch Off Sunday: yippee!

Switch Off Sunday

Hola gorgeous one! I just picked up a book today and I’m muchos inspired. I’m already three quarters of the way through it. The Winter of Our Disconnect by Susan Maushart is the story of three teenagers and their mama having a screen-less home for six...
{this moment} in time

{this moment} in time

30 days to go until I’m back living in the place of soul-moving sunsets that engulf half the sky. I was 14 I climbed up on the wooden fence and got my cousin Andrew to take the photo. I wanted something to remember that moment that sunset that land I love so...