by Leonie Dawson | May 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hi possums! It’s been a long while since I updated you on the courses I’ve created for my Academy members. Latest update was back in November! Even though I’ve been relatively absent from blogging + social media, I’ve been full steam ahead with...
by Leonie Dawson | May 11, 2018 | Life Sharings
Hi possums, As you’ve no doubt noticed, I’ve taken much of the last year off social media + blogging. My intention originally was to just take a month off because I felt so burnt out, but by the end of the month, I realised it was feeling too good and...
by Leonie Dawson | May 3, 2018 | Life & Soul Tips
Loves, I’ve been thinking of how/what to share about this for a long while, rolling formats and ideas and words around in my head again and again to see what was right to share. I’ve been in active research mode for over 18 months, and have been so...