Two Years of Mermaid Daughter #1

Two Years of Mermaid Daughter #1

Dearest Mermaid Daughter #1, On this, the time of resurrection, of miracles, and easter, and rabbits and possibility… my heart + spirit travels back to those days, two years ago, when you came into the world… In many ways, I’ve felt like I’ve...
How To Make Art With Kids

How To Make Art With Kids

You do it quickly. You do it messily. You do it with reckless abandon. You do it with them. You do it in spite of them. You do it anyway. You do it while laughing. You do it while crying. You do it while feverishly swearing under your breath. You do it because you...
Unschooling & Other Miracles

Unschooling & Other Miracles

Insta-BFFs with halos: Sophie & Lola Leigh (aka Leonie. aka me. aka that person who speaks in third person about oneself) Hola my loves,   I’m buzzing right now. Asparkle. Aglow. I’ve spent the last five days sitting beneath palm trees & white...