by Leonie Dawson | Aug 16, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Caught up with my dear friend Dan today He was my best friend during my teenage years A totally beautiful, precious part of my life It is magically lovely to reconnect I am incredibly lucky to have had a boy like him in my life as a crazy 14 year...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 16, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
~ Searching through old emails today, found a conversation between me and my friend Matt when we were 17 and worldly and knew it all. His is the >remarks in italic, mine are the ones answering them. The world back then was much more black and white then, with less of...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 15, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
A brilliant old rockin band Ben Harper meets Counting Crows meets Hootie and the Blowfish and at times the guy sounds like Jack Black with the laid back nature of Tracy Chapman They have been around forever I remember their guest appearance on Roseanne and Dan jammed...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 15, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
* Trees at Tidbinbilla National Park. Grow grow growing. * Trees are so smart They grow every day! At Tidbinbilla National Park, the area was devastated by massive bushfires a year ago. To see the regrowth today is such a wonderful reminder of how horrible events can...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 14, 2004 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
I heard from my dear friend Sonia tonight She has landed from Canada It has been four years since I have seen her and heard her brilliant lilting voice and gorgeous chuckle I can hardly believe it has been so long It is lovely to have my scorpio twinlet on home turf...