we are not commonplace

“You will never be commonplace if you are vigilant in love.” ~ Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity things i’m so JOYFUL and GLAD for: ~ that it’s friday night. ~ from chris, the most beautiful candle for our dinner party tomorrow night: a huge pink...
ohm friends.

ohm friends.

. nick & dave waiting… it’s become a ritual now. every thursday, we go. we meet outside the doors of work, and introduce the friends that haven’t met yet. we stroll to the sri chinmoy centre. we sit on pillows and meditate. there’s always...


. My life has been surrounded with dreams lately. Deb said at our last circle: watch your dreams. Be conscious of them and see what patterns come up in them. I received an email from one of my brother’s friends asking me to interpret a dream. It was lovely to...