The moment and the floor…

click on images to go to the full sized pictures I was feeling bored, crabby and out of sorts last night, so I did the best thing for me ~ I took myself to my studio, grabbed whatever was closest, and just created. Out came long piece of blue cardboard, paints, petals...
a walk to clear the space.

a walk to clear the space.

i dig when street art gets all joy*soaked go on a walk, you scorpian folk ~ as advised by the ideas magician brezsny.and i RESISTED. let me tell you, i resisted walking.i wanted to sit in my shell, marinate for a while, until this “stage” passes me by.but...

“To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe – to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it – is a wonder beyond words.”~ Joanna Macythis picture makes...

The Mother in me…

I see the mother in me raising her head these last few days.The way I just found myself holding my aching belly, firmly, lovingly. There is a presence in my hands that seems softly familiar.The way I touch others. How I hold their hands. Touch their backs.The way I...