by Leonie Dawson | Feb 27, 2005 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
. i am taking a leap of faith.i am facing fears, and doing it anyway.when i finished school, i didn’t know what i wanted to study.i was interested in SO many things that i couldn’t face the prospect of chaining myself to only one i started... by Leonie Dawson | Feb 26, 2005 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
__________________________________________ “My friend Annie once told me that not everyone wants life to be a mountaintop experience. She said that we all get our emotional half acres to tend while we are alive. Some people grow potatoes, and some grow roses,... by Leonie Dawson | Feb 25, 2005 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
We are all the same… cloud watching together…F A M I L Y. My little sister Mooky. 18 today. I adore you. We all adore you so much. I remember when you were three or four years old. Mum put you outside the door, on the steps because you were naughty. And... by Leonie Dawson | Feb 25, 2005 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
it’s kinda strange you know. before my brother came down here for holidays, i had a strange thought. i wondered, out of the blue, if he was going to get a tattoo. i kept the thought to myself. a couple of days ago, my brother woke up, walked out to the kitchen... by Leonie Dawson | Feb 23, 2005 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
just coz 🙂