by Leonie Dawson | Dec 8, 2011 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
(That photo above? Me. At high school. Being weird and having THE BEST TIME EVERRRRRR at it!!!) Hola gorgeous goddesses! Yesterday, I had a dream come true. I got the chance to mentor 100 Year 8 & 9 students from my old high school. I’ve been...
by Leonie Dawson | Dec 6, 2011 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous goddesses! It’s been a massive, magical year here at Goddess HQ. Let’s celebrate the holy dinger out of 2011. I’ve so adored being able to bring snippets of wisdom, inspiration & joy to your days with Goddess TV! (with...
by Leonie Dawson | Dec 5, 2011 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous Goddesses! A gorgeous Goddess Circle sister, Jess the Foxy Goddess posted the most GORGEOUS picture ever the other day… She’s been revisiting her 2011 Creating your Goddess Year workbook to get ready for her 2012 workbook, and found much to...
by Leonie Dawson | Dec 3, 2011 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola my darling hearts, What have you’ve been up to this week? I’ve been: ART ART ART. More art. Making lots of art with Mermaid Daughter: big wide painted letters to send to dear friends, tiny mini canvasses for Christmas presents, and lots of pages in my...
by Leonie Dawson | Dec 3, 2011 | Creativity Tips, Uncategorized
Hola my darling hearts! SO! My darling bestie Sone emailed me this morning, telling me a new wave is sweeping the nation… there was an episode of Better Homes & Gardens last night where they took a very old run down 1970s caravan (just like ours!) and...