by Leonie Dawson | Apr 19, 2021 | Business Tips, Leonie's Podcast
Blossoms, Every wee once in a while, I like to share a behind-the-scenes of what an ordinary day in my life looks like. You can listen to the podcast version of this blog as you read! Bonza! Just hit play above, or subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, PocketCast (or...
by Leonie Dawson | Apr 18, 2021 | Diary
(Click on image to enlarge) Blossoms, I’ve been doing Tara Brach’s “Awaken Your Heart, Creativity & Wisdom” course… above are my notes in my art journal. The background is a collage of wrapping paper that my creative penpal Tammy...
by Leonie Dawson | Apr 17, 2021 | Diary, Leonie's Podcast
Dearests, Just a short one today, and there’s a podcast companion as well. Just hit play above, or subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, PocketCast (or wherever else you listen to podcasts!) I started reading a book by HRH Dalai Lama, but stopped because I...
by Leonie Dawson | Apr 15, 2021 | Freebies
Baberinos! Every week, my inbox grows with questions from people. “How do you only work ten hours a week?” “I want to write my book but I have no clue how to get it published?” “You make such pretty graphics… HOW?!” “Is...
by Leonie Dawson | Apr 15, 2021 | Leonie's Podcast
Dearests, I NEVER thought I would talk about this publicly… because this mistake still wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes. Every time I think about it, I flinch, then shudder, then start laughing. It’s mortifying and awful and so very, very...