by Leonie Dawson | Nov 24, 2016 | Goals
Loves! Now, we all know that I talk about goals a LOT. Almost as much as I talk about how hot Mr D is. There’s a reason I talk about how hot he is (because he’s really hot and I can’t not tell people what I’m thinking about). And there’s...
by Leonie Dawson | Sep 13, 2016 | Goals
Hi dearests, So, last week while running this webinar on getting back on target with your goals in 2016, I made a public promise to share my 2016 goals here… to embody public accountability and encourage all my readers to be “out” of the cupboard...
by Leonie Dawson | Sep 12, 2016 | Goals
Hi dearhearts, About a month ago, I had one of the funnest, craziest days of work in my life. I teamed up with some truly cool peeps… and spent 8 hours filming an 8 minute video! It was one of those moments in life where everything stood still… and I...
by Leonie Dawson | Sep 6, 2016 | Goals
Hola gorgeous souls, What a bloody wonderful webinar it was this morning… with such great feedback from listeners too who seemed to love it just as much as I!! Your replay is here… 5 Tips To End The Year With Your Goals Completed! Want the audio or the...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 8, 2016 | Goals
Hi kittens! Exciting news! We’ve got a brand new FREE training coming your way later this month! Have you fallen off the workbook wagon and just can’t get back up? I know, I know. It’s August already and you’re just thinking that maybe you should just wait until...
by Leonie Dawson | Feb 15, 2016 | Goals
Possums! So… yep. I’m still banging on about goals. And… OMG… it’s not even the FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY ANYMORE. WHY? Why am I banging on about them STILL? I mean GOALS. FUCK. BORRRRRING. I get it. I used to eye roll about them too....