Scrapbook: Lucky

Scrapbook: Lucky

Precious humans, Since quitting social media, I’m reading and watching SO much more + better content! Stuff that makes me think, get inspired, understand better, have a cackle. I didn’t have these feelings when looking at social media AT ALL. So I’m...
Daily Writing: To Clear The Brain

Daily Writing: To Clear The Brain

Boo boos, Friday night. I am, in a word, exhausted. Still getting over that horrid cold. Then my 6yo had Round 2 of Horrid Cold, and has been home for three days sick. Remember how I waxed lyrical about my three perfect days of parenting last week with my sick elder...
Day 11: Freedom

Day 11: Freedom

Blossoms, I’ve been chippering away at various pieces: a list of 100 things I’ve done in 2020, doing my review of 2020 workbooks (and sharing in my Instagram stories as I go) and illustrating a PDF about creating e-courses. I’ve been creating every...