by Leonie Dawson | May 29, 2009 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous Goddesses, I’m a little bit snowed under at the moment with putting together my next course to offer… but I wanted to reach out and let you know what you can expect! But first… the… Very Silly Photos Whenever I’m creating... by Leonie Dawson | May 27, 2009 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola beautiful, beautiful souls, Goddess Journey day is the day we check in on our journeys, and the blessings & lessons that have been happening for us. It’s the day we get to cosy up on a big purple couch with large mugs of tea, and connect-in and share about... by Leonie Dawson | May 25, 2009 | Life & Soul Tips
Hola gorgeous Goddess! I’ve been wanting to write this post for a long time now – but didn’t quite know how I wanted to share it. And then I was doing a coaching session for a gorgeous earth angel, and she said to me: Oh Leonie! You must write this... by Leonie Dawson | May 23, 2009 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous goddesses, I’m totally attempting to constrain myself and not blather all over the keyboard this morning. But I can’t help it. Thank le goddess it’s somewhat water-resistant. So I have something muchly muchly special for you. And muchly... by Leonie Dawson | May 22, 2009 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
Hola gorgeous goddesses! I wanted to give you an update on all the happenings and goings ons at Goddess Guidebook. There’s so many things blooming and blossoming that I’m so excited to share with you. I’ll be doing these site updates more regularly...