by Leonie Dawson | Aug 18, 2010 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
sunset. farm. mermaid daughter. toby. sacred mountain. heaven on earth. Hola honeypots! A million and one things to share with you… let’s play list posts! 1. Writing this to you with a snuffleufflegus nose as Mermaid Daughter is getting poured with kisses...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 18, 2010 | Parenting, Uncategorized
Dear Leonie, I’m writing you this love letter for whenever you are having a hard day as a mama. I know you and I love you and I believe in you. These are important things to remember. You are a being a wonderful mama. I know it can be hard work. I know sweetie,...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 17, 2010 | Leonie Recommends!
Hola gorgeous souls! I heart heart heart some good music… music that is beautiful to the ears, and beautiful to the spirit too. Here’s my top ten list… 1. Grace and Gratitude – Olivia Newton John I used to make fun of ONJ songs. It’s true...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Hola darling hearts! Happy SoS day! Consider this your official invitation to switch off this Sunday! You can switch off for an hour, an afternoon or go the whole unicorn and do ze whole day! I was so inspired to read the gorgeous Gwen Bell’s Month of Switching...
by Leonie Dawson | Aug 14, 2010 | Life Sharings, Uncategorized
My big sissy. This is what it feels like to be here. Hola my darlinghearts, I’m writing to you still from my old bedroom at the farmhouse, via the internet connection via long-stick-thing-out-window. I’m blowing you kisses and sending you sunsets. I miss...